126 Dogheads continued ...


Confusion happens all over the place, Peter, Meleek and the invisible Correllon hide at the edge of the bushes, while Ravn, Elsbeth and Laddie all attack the same doghead. The tactic seems to work though because distracted by Elsbeth, the doghead finds Laddie's teeth clamped around his leg and Ravn's spear in the side of his chest. Slowly it sinks to the floor, still glaring at them with hate filled eyes. However, the doghead archer is able to take his time and take another shot at each of them as they close. "Raoowwwl" it screams in frustration as the arrows again have little effect but to bruise. (Elsbeth 2 pts, Ravn 1 pt) Rolf pointedly ignores the Doghead leader, who has twice slipped out of your grasp already, and charges a doghead armed with a wicked looking morning star, half hidden in the bushes. Rolf swings hugely as he approaches, perhaps to hugely as the doghead steps out of range and then closes to fetch its morning star down onto Rolf's shoulder (7points). Its jaw hangs open, tongue lolling out to one side, and it appears to be grinning evilly. Callum's sudden appearance takes everyone by surprise, especially the doghead he charges, as it missed the blow coming and finds itself almost completely severed, diagonally, from shoulder to waist. It doesn’t even react - the top half just falls away to one side, showering everything in blood. The second one back pedals at the very sight, until it is along side its mate. One wields a battle axe and the other, what looks like, a halberd. Yuri, follows his companions lead, Drawing his falchion and charging straight towards the doghead on his side of the road. However, he doesn't have the skill of his huge companion - and his blade goes whistling past its shoulder. Fortunately the doghead's aim is no better, and its swipe passes over the top of Yuri's head, as the bard ducks down to avoid the blow. Kerim chooses to stand his ground, as well as pass a few words of his home brewed wisdom along to Selina, while he swaps arrows with the doghead in the bushes. Two arrows thud the beast - one into its shoulder the other its thigh, but it enough to distract it - and one of its arrows misses the mark completely. The other hits Kerim's ankle, grazing it badly (2 points of damage). Unfortunately, as he concentrates on the bowman, Kerim fails to notice the approach of the wolves, and one launches itself straight at him, slamming into his side, but failing to get any purchase with his teeth. Kerim stagger under the impact, but manages to retain his feet and his grip on his bow. Selina swings her clubs waiting for the wolves, and two of them duly oblige by leaping at her - one for her throat the other for her leg. Both wolves veer off at the last moment, as they sense the clubs, which causes Selina's aim to fail - and leads to a Mexican stand off. All three wolves growl menacingly - preparing for their next attacks. Mandrake creep along the bushes, beckoning his favourite doghead to follow, then suddenly stands and lets a sling stone fly towards the nearest off the dogheads. The stone catches the doghead in the middle of the back and it yelps in surprise. Turning it sees Mandrake and charges towards him, waving its morning star threateningly. Mandrakes favourite doghead looks on bemused as the little gnome waves his arms about, and stand waving his arms too, however he barks "Arrrf ArrrooooW" at the other doghead as it charges towards them Hope I haven't missed anybody :] and say thank you to Jim's diceroller - you lucky, lucky people.

Battle Plan


Key Yellow dogheads have bows. Light blue dogheads had battle-axes or morning stars. The white doghead is looking at Mandrake. Orange dogheads are wolf handlers and carry spears. The grey doghead is the leader. The dark blue doghead is dead. Red speckles are the entangled area.

Can I heal ...
Peter Gasgano

Again, Peter places the palm of his hand across the wound and closes his eyes. Meditating, trying to block out the noises of the battle, he concentrates on the wounds closing … Sweat breaks out on his forehead, and his brows crease - but after a couple of moments he opens his eyes and shakes his head. "I just can't concentrate with all this noise ... Have to wait for later." He tells Meleek, panting from holding his breath during the healing attempt.


Callum mac Aonghas

Grinning ferally through the spray of blood, Callum turns to the two dogheads beside him, knocks the spear wielders weapon aside and steps inside it's reach, howling as he rams the massive sword through the creatures body then wrenches it out. His huge muscles ripple as though with a life of their own and his grin now seems unnaturally wide. OOC: Modified 20 to hit, 13 damage

Stand off my ass


Backing away with a silent growl, Selina flicks her wrists and the two silver clubs in her hand spread out at the end into half moon bladed battle fans. Taking each step carefully, she backs up between the three wolves and Kerim, speaking softly. "You take care of the bowmen and I'll guard your back, just try not to get us shot again."



"Atamar". Shrieks the doghead leader from the other side of the pit, waving his metal bars towards Rolf. Suddenly, three globs of darkness appear to streak from the bars and fly towards the ranger, striking him one after the other. As they strike, they disapate into a cloud of black smoke leaving an ugly red marks all over Rolf's skin. "Manta Bishi Bosna Kikbuk" He continues to shout at Rolf, leaping up and down in his anger. "Manta Bishi Bosna Kikbuk" OOC Rolf takes 11 points of damage

Sllightly better round


Rolf makes a loud, growling grunt between clenched teeth as the doghead's weapon crashes into his armor. The studded leather armor was good for the occasional skirmish of a hunter, but wasn't really designed to stand up to such weapons as the crude morning star. But the mocking grin of the doghead helps Rolf to set his pain aside, to be dealt with after the battle if breath remains in his body. Rolf takes a moment to focus his anger, not allow it to control him. A deadly gleam replaces the rage in his eyes, but before he can launch an attack, he feels a quick series of burning impacts slam into him, leaving him grimacing. But he retains enough of himself to strike. OOC: to hit 12 damage 3

Damn blindness

Corellon Amastacia

Feeling quite useless, and hearing Peter's voice, Corellon asks, "Before I was blinded, I saw several creatures enraptured behind me... have you two taken care of them? Seems like easy pickin's to me... if you don't have a weapon, use my bow... that way they can't reach you." he blindly holds out his bow to anybody.

What, me worry ...


Elsbeth's timely intervention on Laddie's behalf eases at least one source of Edgar's worries, as does the additional distance Rolf puts betwixt himself and the Doghead's leader (even if the creature's magics can bridge the gap). But Mankrake's sudden discovery of more of the Doghead's lying in ambush IS a cause for concern, expecially since his ensorcelled ally does not share in the gnome's alarm ...

Let's give it a shot...

Meeleek El'Wakhad

Meeleek fumbles for the offered bow and arrows, and tries using the unfamiliar weapon to fire arrows at the entangeled doghead... OOC- I really don't know what the penealties should be, so that's left up to you, merciful admin... Admin - Non Proficiency penalty for a Wizard is -5 :)

Nakar, hull!


"Neenzamat nakar, iza enzame hull!" Mandrake says to the cries to the doghead by him, pointing to the charging creature, hoping that this one has learnt some orcish. He then ducks back into the bushes once more, heading northwest but then moving more cautiously this time turns west and sneaks along before approaching the edge again some ten yards or so from his original position. He then assesses the situation, judging the best action to take in the light of the unfolding events.



"Enzame? Dovay?" says the doghead sounding puzzled, as it looks at the bushes where Mandrake diappeared.

Hearing is worse than seeing..

Corellon Amastacia

Hearing the battle sounds is worse than seeing them sometimes. Once somebody takes the offered weapon, he waits, holding his knees closely to himself. Thinking, he admits that this is one of the times that he is very glad to be a smaller elf. OOC- also, DM, in the review thread, I forgot to mention that it is very helpful if you mention the beginning of each new combat round. That way, the effects/attacks are easier to coordinate/realize. Admin: Each new post (Mon and Thur) is a new combat round.

What's that smell?

Ravn Ashengrey

Ravn lets the now lifeless doghead slide off the shaft of his spear and looks up with a worried look. "Fair Elsbeth," he exclaims, "did you sense it, too? An emanation of unnatural power, a gust of sulphur and dung, from beyond the bushes?" He takes a few paces forward and now sees Rolf – still grimacing from the stinging pain – battling a doghead. "If these creatures wield trollish powers then Rolf is probably in need of magical aid – quickly, go see if you can help him while I stave off the others to our right!" Again, the Runecaster raises his warcry and rushes towards the pair of dogheads (one of them the archer) with a bellowing roar. "ODIN HJÆLPE! RRRAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" OOC: Ravn will attempt to summon Odin's battle rage (berserk) and attack the southernmost dogheads.



"Pesitz!" Mandrake calls back as he runs

Missing is worse than hitting


Yuri's recent training with his blade seems to come to naught as his swing goes wide. This, of course, does not satiate his thirst for revenge, as is made evident by his second attack.

126.5 more combat


Callum Advances quickly towards the two dogheads on his side of the track and swings a massive blow towards the one with the pole arm. Although the weapon has been knocked clear, the dog head manages to use the shaft to absorb some of the damage. Severely wounded it sweeps the Blade back towards Callum as the other closes and swings its axe. Jumping backwards slightly, Callum sees the halberd swish past in front of his face. The sudden jump seems to have discomforted the axe wielder too, as it only scores a glancing blow on Callum's back (Callum 3pts damage) Selina backs towards Kerim maintaining defensive fans with the battle clubs, as the merchant fires again at the doghead bow-man. However the jostling and movement seem to put both bow-men off, Kerim's arrows flying wide of the mark, only one of the doghead's finding its target, and that a glancing blow (Kerim 1 pt damage). The wolves leap again - all three in concert this time, again 2 for Selina and one towards the merchant bow-man. Selina's tactic appears to be working, as neither wolf manages to get through the fans, indeed, one of the wolves is caught a cracking blow from a club and finishes up landing a few feet away. Kerim on the other hand is less lucky and one of the wolves leaps through the defence and sinks its teeth into his lower leg (Kerim 4 pts damage) A second doghead, armed with an axe, rounds the bushes and charges towards Selina and Kerim. Rolf, pain wracked by the magical attack of Alhevro, swings at the doghead nearest him catching it across the hip for some damage, but it replies in kind with a massive swing with its huge spiked club, This time catching little more that a glancing blow. (Rolf 3 pts damage). Corellon, Meeleek and Peter huddle in a small group by the mules. However Meeleek takes Corellon's offered bow, and fires a couple of arrows towards the dogheads. The first shot whistles away into the bushes, however, whether by luck or good judgement, the second strikes the entangled doghead squarely on the shoulder, fetching a howl of pain and frustration from the trapped beast. Corellon's sight seems to be improving, rather than the complete darkness of before he can now make ous shapes and colours, although not clearly enough to really see who or what they are. Mandrake, alone on the southern flank, disappears into the bushes, leaving a bemused doghead staring after him. The second doghead starts beating at the bushes with his morning star clearly searching for mandrake, and mandrakes friend wanders across to it and starts remonstrating. A strange conversation in yips a growls ensues , but hardly hampers the attacks on the bushes (which are actually some distance from where Mandrake hides in the bush, anyway) Edgar squawks as he flies above, trying to draw attention to Mandrake's would be attackers, but feeling powerless to intervene. Ravn charges the two dogheads to the flank, unintentionally relieving some of Edgar's stress, screaming for Odin's favour as he goes. Elsbeth seems to be caught by indecision and, along with Laddie, hovers around between the two groups of combatants. As Ravn screams into battle - he appears to get slightly taller and broader as the 'favour' of Odin comes upon him. However the doghead with the bow steps back and is protected by the one with the morning star, and manages to get his two arrows off towards the charging cleric. Both, however, fly wide of the mark - distracted either by the Odin's power, the treat of the charging Cleric, or possibly the more mundane intervention of his companion. Accompanied by screams of religious fervour and dog like howling the two combatants meet. Ravn thrust wide with his spear, perhaps unprepared for the fury of his god, but the doghead coolly steps to the side and fetched his morning start down, with a meaty thump onto Ravn's shoulder. (Ravn 6 points of damage) This time Yuri's falchion bites deep into the thigh of the doghead, clearly spoiling its aim as it hops backwards slightly, trying to get out of range. Alhevro stands the other side of the pit leaping up and down and shouting in his own dog-like language, clearly trying to exhort his troops to greater efforts. OOC: Sorry I'm a bit late with this post - Blame the guys who were buying me beer last night ….

At last ....

Peter Gasgano

Peter, at last seeing a clear opportunity lets drop the mules reins and holds forth a sprig of holly in his hand and chants "Pilan bo fremer bata, may aster, may gordaq". The grasses and scrub surrounding the dogheads attacking Kerim and Selina, suddenly start to grow and twine around their legs, climbing quickly to their torso and arms, immobilising them. Having cast his spell, he quickly ducks back into the cover provided by the mules. "Its not quite as bad as it sounds" he mutters to Corellon, attention still on the combat generally.

Battle Plan and update


Key Yellow dogheads have bows. Light blue dogheads have morning stars, light purple have battle-axes. The white doghead is looking at Mandrake. Orange dogheads are wolf handlers and carry spears. The grey doghead is the leader. The dark blue dogheadr are dead. Red speckles are the entangled area. Rolf looks the most injured of your party, but Ravn, Kerim, Meeleek and Selina all show significant injuries as well. Laddie, Elsbath and Callum display less serious injuries, while every one else remains unharmed.


How dare it not be dead...

Callum mac Aonghas

Unlike Ravn, Callum doesn't just appear to grow but visibly gets taller and larger as his muscles start to swell. The blood spattered over him starts to steam and sizzle as though his body were as hot as a skillet and sparks leap from the points of his limed hair. His limbs start to bow and twist with the huge musculature they now support, his eyes grow to the size of apples, bulbous and bloodshot and his lips peel back to form an ear to ear grin of large, pointed teeth. A long pointed tongue snakes out between the teeth and licks the blood from his face as he spins and whips the sword around unbelievably fast for such a huge weapon, slicing it clean through the left arm, torso and right arm of the doghead just below the shoulder. OOC: It should've died, and it's mate shouldn't of hit me. I'm cross with them now!

Here we go again...

Meeleek El'Wakhad

** EDITED March 15, 2002, 7:34 am ** ** EDITED March 15, 2002, 7:32 am ** Meeleek lets loose two more arrows inspired by his earlier success. However, his clumsy hold of the bow ruines the shot, and he actually snaps the arrow in two before it is fired. his second shot is a little better... Between shots, he notices the crow hovering above and calls out to him. As Edgar nears, the mage shouts: " There is a dangerous task you may fulfil, Crow, if you will. When their spellcaster tries to cast another spell, try to disturb and ruin it!".

Battle madness

Ravn Ashengrey

The Runecaster seems to completely ignore the blow landed on him, mad with battle rage as he stares the Aesir's fury at the quasi-canine opponent and roars madly. "RRAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Ravn's mind is a reddish haze, his body trembling with rage. Kill! Kill! KIIIIIIIIIIIILLLL!!!!. He retracts the spearhead for another attack but instead of maintaining the usual - and most likely expected - spearman's solid distance Ravn hurls himself forward, closing with the nearest doghead at the fullest power of momentum and slamming himself - spearhead first - into the abominable trollish being. "ARRRRGH - DIE!"

To me!

Corellon Amastacia

Somewhat regaining his vision, but unsure of Meeleek's whereabouts, Corellon calls out loudly, "Meeleek, to me! My vision is returning! Bring my bow, and I shall finish the damnable dogheads when I can fully see!" Realizing that he yelled it quite loudly, he sat back down and waited.


Incoming ...
[edit] [delete]


Not really sure of how the battle is going, but unable to be of any further assistance to Mandrake now that the gnome has gone to ground (and with a stalwart ally in the form of the encharmed doghead to plead his cause), Edgar circles above, wary of any bowmen (though should any still live, no doubt their interest will lie wit the clear and present danger on the ground). Hearing Meeleek's call as he passes overhead, Edgar sweeps around to where the doghead's leader and his cronies stand on the far side of the pit, ready to swoop down and distract him, should he attempt to loose his magics once more ...

Pass it on...

Meeleek El'Wakhad

After shooting the two arrows, Meeleek hands the bow back to Corellon, flailing his hands to find the elf's reach. he then pulls out his jambiya.

Another miss


Through a haze of pain and anger, Rolf barely manages to shift aside, not enough to fully dodge the blow of the dogheads morning star. His arms are beginning to feel heavy and it's getting more difficult to see much of anything, but he can still see the shadow of his foe and he still has enough strength to lash out, but the doghead easily manages to avoid his clumsy onslaught. OOC: To hit is 5

Pushing ones luck


Yuri's hit followed up by the dogheads step backward encourages the Gypsy, and he steps up to exact more revenge on the foul creature.


Protecting her leader


** EDITED March 18, 2002, 3:57 pm ** Elsbeth grimaces, the arrows in her tender flesh- not crippling but painful to the maiden who was unused to pain. She blocks out the agony with difficulty and looks to the one she sees closest... Rolf. Her fair features turn to rage as she lunges forward, forgetting the rain of arrows and her injured Laddie in her desire to protect her... friend... and leader. She slashes the doghead with her weapon, feeling the impact as the cold steel finds flesh, giving a forgotten battle cry in her native tongue. (Hit AC 1, 7 points)

Gnome games


** EDITED March 18, 2002, 3:47 am ** Mandrake cautiously makes his way south towards the edge of the bushes so that he can see what is going on. (OOC: don’t know if a sneak role is required or not with all the noise of the attack on the shrubbery and the discussion.) Once the can see what is occurring, he casts phantasmal force and from the bushes just to the left of the doghead wielding the morning star, an almost perfect but flipped (he has after all only every seen himself as a reflection) replica of Mandrake darts, shortsword in hand scurries quickly to hide behind the legs of the doghead carrying the bow. Mandrake tries to keep bowman between the image and other doghead, trying at least to keep them busy, but hopefully to force the issue and cause a fight between the two.