105 Next ...

105 Next ... by Admin

Rolf, Mandrake, Yuri, Peter and Ravn all stand around in the Lord's chamber watching as Elsbeth prays over Kerim's hand. For those in the towers for the first time, it is good to see the wall hangings still in reasonable repair and the bed and other furniture in good condition.

Down in the main hall Zhiri, Madelyn and Callum gather together, under Edgar's perch, waiting for news of Kerim's wound. Here the furniture is more battered and worn, as it has suffered the effects of the weather, through the holes in the roof.

Well by Zhiri

Zhiri sighs with disappointment, her whole posture speaking of fatigue and disinterest.
"What use this place is going to be to anyone, I have no idea. I can certainly think of a dozen places I'd rather be right now. In the bath at home..." she chokes the sentence off abruptly and looks around.

"Do any of you play ta'bae ?"

watching by Peter Gasgano

Peter watches as Elsbeth prays over Kerim's hand, wondering if there cane be any potency left in a hundred year old poison.

The chest by Kerim Alakani

Accepting Ravn's change of attitude with some personal guilt and embarresment for his quick accusation and also Elsbeth for availing him of some of her valuable Druidic talents the business like part of Kerim kicks in.

"Indeed, be I poisoned and that it is halted from stirring in my veins it would seem that I lose nothing to take the bargain against time which is on offer"

Kerim moves to the chest, having failed at the subtle method he asks "Crowbar anyone?".

He stops for the moment to look to Elsbeth, realising that his actions may seem somewhat foolish to one who has just done her utmost to prolong his life.

"If fate has decreed I perish then all is done. You have ordered an injunction against whatever inevitability faces me, favourable or other, which only time will tell.

Opportunity now exists for the taking, where I might salvage a small value and perhaps save others a similar fate.

Indeed my lady, there is only that which can be gained in such venture, no good it will do me, or you, to die without having tried.

Some might not quite agree with the logic, but then Kerim isn't one to pass up a bargain and it would ease his mind to at least have a small victory over the chest.

kinship by Rolf

Rolf stands back, giving Elsbeth room for her efforts. He nods at Kerim's peaceful acceptance of whatever fate has in store for him. It is an attitude that he understands well and he feels something of a kinship with the merchant. Looking about and feeling as though he understands Kerim's request, Rolf looks for anything that might serve well as a prybar.

Pry bar ... by Peter Gasgano

Peter too looks around for something to use on the chest and doesn't see anything. "Well there was an old short sword in one of the offices that might do it ..." he says generally

Still Here! by Callum mac Aonghas

OOC: Still Employed!

Callum wanders away to fetch the shortsword, returning after a moment with it clutched in his hand. He looks at the lock then at the hinges. On whatever side appears the weaker, he plunges the sword into the join near the corner and levers it up easily...

OOC: Succeeding easily on an open doors roll or strength roll.

Good show, old man by Rolf

As Kerim doesn't show any signs of injury, Rolf lets his attention be pulled towards the chest. He moves over beside Callum and gives him a clap on the arm by way of stating his thanks and his respect for Callum's talent at opening even the most stubborn of locks.

First things first by Mandrake

Mandrake grimaces at the warrior's crude methods, but offers advice from the sidelines nonetheless, “If I were to use a poisoned trap, then I’d make sure that I had an antidote about, just in case. And what better place than in the safety of the chest that the poison guards” turning to Kerim “If it is poison.”

Voice from on high by Edgar

** EDITED October 13, 2001, 9:49 pm **

Edgar nods to himself, hearing the by now familiar sound of wood splintering. If he could chuckle, he would, but instead he contents himself with a wry comment, pitched low, "If only all these two-legs were as direct as the big painted one, they would be so much easier to understand !"

Aware that the noise may have reached ears to which the search thus far had not quite made it, he renews his vigil, casting his gaze about, and listening intently.

Well. by Kerim Alakani

Despite his pre-occupation with his own fate Kerim is none the less able to do little else than watch Callum decimate the chest.

Perhaps he sucks in his breathe at some pain, mayhaps to stall time, perhaps even at the less than subtle methods being applied. Whatever the reason he sucks in a deep breathe to await the discovery of what is within.

GM: Holding my breathe in case there's a gas trap too. I don't believe that I'd have time to communcate such since the sword has been swiftly applied to the topic at hand. Though if allowed I will say so.