61 The Impromptu Feast

By JohnB

A few of the warriors nod wisely at Callum's comment about not drawing the attention of the Morrigan, and after another couple of clarifications for the leaders the session loses some of its formal atmosphere.

Soon people start drifting away from their allotted place and you start to feel that you can circulate again. The ale jugs are bought out again and this time they are left in sight and available for you to take refills as and when you like. An hour or so later, food is bought in - not the traditional roast that you might have expected in a planned feast but it is clear that many of the villagers have contributed from their store cupboards and that they have put some effort into the meal.

The centre piece is a roast goose, but there are cold joints of meat and a meat stew as well. There is also a cauldron of vegetable stew, for the vegetarians amongst you and plates of raw vegetables and fruit, there are even jars of fruit and vegetables preserved in wine or brine. There are also large loaves of bread, fresh butter and jars of honey.

As the food is laid out you here a shout of "MARVA, are you in here? Where are you girl?" from a slim young man still dressed in leather armour, who has clearly come straight back I from a duty somewhere. Catching sight of Elsbeth he dashes across the crowded room and catches her in a huge hug and swings her round. "I hear you have been having adventures," he says, "tell me all about them!"

The food is laid out buffet fashion, but it is clear that you are not expected to start it until the word is given, as no one goes near it. When all the food is prepared, Edwy takes a large knife from his belt and standing near the goose centre piece invites Rolf to carve the first portion. After that the food is freely available.

As you circulate you talk to many different people, but some seem to get singled out for special attention:

Callum attracts a number of warrior types all wanting to exchange bragging stories about fights and battles they have been in … "I remember when we met a group of dogheads while we were on patrol, armed with great clubs, they were. We fought, but they ran when they realised we outnumbered them …"

The Bard approaches Mandrake and Edgar "I am interested in your story Edgar, I have never met one such as you …"

Rolf and Madelyn get Edwy for a while, but he is clearly distracted - and before long he makes his excuses and turns away to start talking with one of his band. As he leaves you over hear, "Better get the curragh out, I think we ought to go visit Segovax tomorrow, find out what The Pagini wants ….."

Kerim gets a caught by a couple of men, "We hear you are a merchant …."

Peter, Herloch,Yuri and Smilo are left pretty much to their own devices. Flea is left sitting quietly on her bench with a full pot of ale, and doesn't go to get food when it is available...


An evening stroll

By Brad
who plays Rolf


As the group begins to break up, Rolf moves over to Madelyn. "Shall we?" he asks, nodding towards the door. But then Edwy moves close and they are embroiled in small talk. Rolf seems ill at ease the whole time, glancing at Madelyn often, but unable to meet her gaze. Finally, Edwy makes his excuses and Rolf looks after the man, glad he has left, nervous that a time of confrontation is at hand.

[Assuming Madelyn accepts....]

Once outside, Rolf gently steers their path to whatever area seems to give the promise of a bit of privacy. He seems troubled, spending much time looking at the sky and apparently seeking something within himself. Finally, he speaks up, "Madelyn, I was very glad to see you safe earlier." His eyes stare strongly into hers and emphatically, adds, "Very glad." He turns and leans against a horse railing, keeping his gaze pointed downwards. He pauses, wondering what next to say. "I... it is not a wise thing.... I mean, Madelyn, I've been charged to lead you all, my concerns should be meted out equally, don't you think?" He remains leaning on the railing, eyes downcast, unwilling to face her.


Ask no questions ...

By Skald
who plays Edgar


The Bard approaches Mandrake and Edgar "I am interested in your story Edgar, I have never met one such as you ..."

Edgar tilts his head and regards the Bard solemnly. "What's to tell ... would you hear of a young hatchling that grew up and flew the nest ? Not such an uncommon tale for bird or man. Or perhaps you mean 'why did the gods gift this creature with thought and speech' ? Why did they gift any of us ... and can we be sure that it IS a gift and not a curse ?"

The questions are posed seriously, not as a challenge. Indeed, the raven even pauses in his efforts to down his bodyweight in meat, so earnest is he.


Boon or Bane -- shrug

By JohnB

The bard smiles slightly, "The story of a not so usual hatchling flying the nest would certainly be interesting. And I would also know how you came by your intelligence and what you have learned with it. As to gifts of the Gods, for it surely is that, who can ever tell if they are truely boon or bane? Only the gods themselves every know that!"



By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri helps himself to the drink and food, this time partaking in the meat, seeming it is not a horse he once knew.

Besides getting up to serve himself Yuri does little to mingle, and though he is unused to sitting back and watching instead of interacting, he is still in no frame of mind to start striking up casual conversation.

Cathing a glimpse of the outside when Rolf and Madelyn(?) leave, Yuri quickly finishes his drink and then refills it. Giving his feeble excuses, Yuri follows their lead and heads outside, mug in hand, tho he has no intention of invading their privacy.


Cool night air

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Although not meeting his gaze Madelyn feels Rolf’s discomfort as he fidgets in the seat next to her. She joins in on the small talk, but is relieved when Edwy makes his excuses and departs.

Madelyn lets Rolf lead her outside, and once the door has closed behind them she takes a deep breath of the fresh evening air. She follows Rolf closely, watching him look up at the sky, and even catches herself glimpsing, to see if there is anything there that could be catching his attention so.

"Madelyn, I was very glad to see you safe earlier."

Madelyn matches his gaze, her deep eyes trying to look deeper into him. "I too was relieved to see you safe Rolf", she says before lowering her gaze to the floor. As he leans up against the horse railing, she stands in front of him.

"I... it is not a wise thing.... I mean, Madelyn, I've been charged to lead you all, my concerns should be meted out equally, don't you think?"

"Rolf, what is it that troubles you so?" she asks.


Awkwards times for Rolf

By Brad
who plays Rolf


"Rolf, what is it that troubles you so?" The question grates on his nerves and does much to convince him that he is doing little more than making a fool of himself. He remains silent for some little time. Finally, he stands tall and straight, almost at attention and and his features lock into a firm look. In a even, neutral tone, he says, "It is of no moment, Madelyn. I have found you much in my thoughts of late and I felt it best that you should know it."

He looks at her, his expression stern and eyes cold, "As I said, it is of no moment. The food is most likely ready. Let us not keep our hosts waiting." He turns towards to return to the others.


Reunions indeed!

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


"MARVA, are you in here? Where are you girl?" At the call the young woman turns in time to be swept up in the young man's embrace, squeeling with surprise and joy.

"Artur! Oh the Goddess be praised" she cries out, doing her best to out-hug the taller man. "Oh!" She looks to the others of her party who are staring in surprise. "All of you, this is Artur, my brother... one of my brothers."

She sits with him, laddling a bowl of the vegetarian stew for herself. Elsbeth tells him of the first combat, the villages, the meeting with the druids and the ceremony. She takes his hand and places it gently to her side as she tells him of her flight with the Hunt.

"And I've such wonderful friends," she finishes. "Yon Rolf, the Norseman- he's really sweet. And Madelyn is my... my... very very best friend," she adds with a blush. "And that bonny lad Callum- straight from the old tales he is, as you can be seeing! And Peter- quiet but oh so smart. And that there is Flea- she came with us from that village. And Mandrake who was so hurt and the talking bird Edgar. And do see- there's Yuri, from the ceremony- and Smilo, that funny little fellow- and Kerim. Oh yes, and finally- the scowling one is Herloch." She giggles. "He's simply a pain, not thinking much of women, always talking of that Norse god of his!"

Elsbeth holds her brother's hands, too happy in her reunion to take notice of much else for the moment...


Wait up!

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn feels uncomfortable with the silence, and jumps slightly, taking a small step back as Rolf stands up straight. She meets his gaze as he looks at her.

"I have found you much in my thoughts of late and I felt it best that you should know it."

Madelyn’s cheeks flush red as she relaxes a bit, but looking into his eyes, they are cold and his expression stern.

"Let us not keep our hosts waiting."

Madelyn shoulders drop as she feels let down, she lets him walk away, whilst trying to make sense of what he has just said to her.

"Rolf, wait", she calls, running lightly to catch up with him. (Assuming he stops to let her catch up) With eyes cast at the floor she says, "Rolf, I am sorry, much has happened over the last few weeks that I am not sure I understand", raising her head to look at him and catch his eyes, she adds gently, "But amongst all that you too have never been far from my thoughts …. " She hesitates as if to continue, but instead leans in closer and kisses him gently on his cheek, before taking a small step back and lowering her gaze once more.


Another party

By Ian
who plays Peter


Peter makes polite conversation to the couple of people who chat to him, but generally keeps to himself.

He recognises the ceremony and the honour associated with Rolf cutting the first slice of the goose, and files it away for for future refence.

Later with a plate of food and mug of ale, he comments to Yuri, "I've been to more parties recently than I did in all of the last year put together ..."


What's a leader to do?

By Brad
who plays Rolf


As Madelyn calls out, Rolf stops and turns. As she speaks of him being in her thoughts as well, his eyes soften a bit. And then she kisses him on the cheek. His eyes flicker as many thoughts and emotions vie for dominence. But whatever else, his eyes soften and his stance looses a bit of it's rigidity. Suddenly, she seems so vulnerable, so in need of protection, though he knows her to be a fine warrior.

"Madelyn, I speak not of friendship or warrior kin, though the gods honor me with both from you. You have become dear to me. This is a new thing to me and I know not the proper ways of courtship, nor do I know if your vows allow such, nor if you would desire such a thing if they do." He pauses and his eyes grow a bit harder again. "But how can I lead when my concerns for my companions are not evenly balanced?"


More Ale!

By Joe
who plays Herloch


Herloch saddles next to Flea with a plateful of food. "Excuse the reach," he says while grabbing the pot of ale and filling his cup. "Damn, this is good food!" he says, washing it down with the ale. He eats quickly but not sloppily, filling his cup many times with the ale.

He turns to Flea, "What, you're not hungry? Ah, this is good ale." He leans back in his chair and props his feet against the table.

Next he turns to Smilo. "So, you joined this hunt and experienced battle. Good! I can see you are unscathed and imagine you did well. If it wasn’t for your being short, you could become a fine warrior."

He continues drinking, content with the ale.

OOC: John - Does he get drunk?


Catching up

By JohnB

Flea responds to Herloch's question "Got a bit of a tummy upset." and smiles wanley.

There is plenty of ale to go around, its not a really strong ale - but then, neither is it small beer that you can drink all day. Drunkeness is certainly possible for those who drink a lot. And it does seem that Herloch is heading the right way ....


Carousing and Boasting

By malc
who plays Callum


Callum trades stories with the warriors, relaxing as he eats and drinks his fill. Here, he starts to feel at home for the first time on his journey, joking with the other men, boasting about battles won and comparing scars.

At a break in the carousing, he looks around in search of his companions. He sees Mandrake, Edgar the Raven and the Bard deep in conversation and Kerim talking to a group of locals. He waves his mug at Elsbeth, who is standing hand-in-hand with another of the warriors. Rolf and Madelyn are missing but he had never really thought of them as the party type. The tinker was gone, too - perhaps he was still grieving for his loss, for he seemed a sociable lad. The others are sitting eating and drinking. He feels relaxed and happy - the only thing spoiling his enjoyment is a faint pang of homesickness.


A friendship

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn relaxes a little as she watches Rolf lose his rigidity. Meeting his gaze once more she sees that his eyes have softened. She feels a quiver run down her spine, and resists the urge to throw herself into his arms.

He does feel the same way about me she thinks to herself. With gentleness in her voice she responds, "Rolf, it is as new to me as it is to you. I have never before felt the way I do about you …", she hesitates for a moment, "…. Or Elsbeth. As for my vows", she looks skyward, disheartened, "I feel that I have already erred, and when we get the chance I must speak to the Order." Returning her gaze to him, with a look of seriousness in her eyes she adds, "As for your leadership, I expect nothing more from you", with this she gently takes his hand, squeezing gently she says, "Rolf I know you will make the right decisions, and I will stand by you with whatever you choose"



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth has her mug refilled and sees Callum's raised mug, so raises hers in return. She's not much of a drinker but tonight is an exception, being the homecoming that it is.

The woman looks around and notices the absence of both Rolf and Madelyn. Unaccountably she blushes deeply, feeling a pang of jealousy sweep over her. To cover her reaction, she turns back to her brother and kisses him.

"I'd best make sure my friends are behaving themselves," she tells him. "I'll be at home to night- I'm hoping you'll be there and not out and about tonight as well, Artur."

She kisses him again and rises, a trifle unsteady. Moving over to Callum, she smiles. "Are you finding this a more proper sort of gathering than the others we've been seeing?" she asks the warrior with a laugh.


Clearing the air

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf's troubled expression takes on a hint of confusion as Madelyn mentions Elsbeth, unsure what her meaning is. But he had also grown to care for the Celtic lass as well, though Elsbeth doesn't linger in his thoughts as Madelyn does.

"I thank you for your kind words Madelyn. I only wish I shared your faith in me. And the others, when they learn of, well, all of this, what will they think?"

Then something else occurs to him, pulling him free of his personal crisis, "Wait a moment, you've been nothing but a stalwort companion of sterling character in our travels, how could you have possibly erred in the eyes of your order?"


Quaffing away!

By malc
who plays Callum


"Are you finding this a more proper sort of gathering than the others we've been seeing?" asks Elsbeth

"Aye, lass - that I am. Your kin set a fine table - and your brewer is a man who knows his art" he says, raising his mug again. " and with all the Dogheads I've heard of killed tonight, it's a wonder there's any left to fight. Where have all the Norsemen gone? You wouldn't be wanting them to miss being shown how to do things properly, now would you. I think I'll be after yon bard to give us a song!" he says, smiling and moving away towards Mandrake, Edgar and the Bard.


Interesting Times

By Skald
who plays Edgar


"The story of a not so usual hatchling flying the nest would certainly be interesting. And I would also know how you came by your intelligence and what you have learned with it. As to gifts of the Gods, for it surely is that, who can ever tell if they are truely boon or bane? Only the gods themselves every know that!"

"Interesting is not the word for it," squawks Edgar, "I remember ... " the words suddenly spill out ..."I remember hunger and my parents away and back again, bringing grubs and worms to fill my belly. Though they did not share my 'gift', and thought little of the world around them past the next meal. I remember being finally pushed from the nest kicking and screaming, for though I had witnessed my parents take to the skies, I was rather too aware of gravity and the great drop beyond the edge of the nest ... though fly I did, crying 'murder' as my wings fought to keep me in the air. At the time, I knew little of the ways of birds, and too much of things that birds know naught ... I thought my parents were trying to do away with me. And so I fled, fled as fast as my wings would take me, away from that tower in the place called Bime. And so I left the nest and learned to fly."

"How came I by this thing we call 'intelligence' ? Frankly, I know not. I know that I am not alone, for in my travels I found other creatures whose outlook was broader than that of their fellows ... some of them were bound to one they called Master or Mistress and seemed happy enough with their lot. Whilst the idea of being bound to another thinking being has no appeal, I still envied them their contentment, though not their lack of inquisitiveness."

"So I thought me to seek out some amongst the two-legs that I might answer some of my questions, or if not find answers, then at least the comfort of finding others that shared my questions and themselves sought answers. But I had a thing or two to learn about the nature of man, for more often than not, your fellows are more interested in semblance over substance - for many sought to capture me as a prized specimen - they saw only a talking bird, not a fellow seeker after truths. I learned to watch and observe."

Edgar flexes his wings, extending the left to reveal a rust hued discolouration amidst the black feathers. "I learned the hard way to avoid those with bows," he says, wryly, "for there are those of such little imagination that they see not even a talking bird, but a bit of sport."

He looks up as Herloch approaches the group. "And so I took to keeping my distance, still looking for like minds, but looking carefully ... and but recently I happened across those you now call guests ... or rather they happened across me ... I thought me first to flee, but some of them ... well, they actually defended me against their own kind ... something unique in my experience ... and so I stayed, trusting in them, and hoping at last that I have found others that question."

He cocks his head on one side, regarding both Mandrake and Herloch. "And though I have been with them but a short while, it has most certainly been interesting !"


The party continues

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth laughs at Callum as he turns to leave. "And be getting that Yuri fellow involved as well," she tells him. "He needs a bit of joy, I be thinking!"

So saying, she refills her mug again and laughs for no reason, feeling the joy of being home, even if it is only for a moment. After all, she's hardly the timid girl that left but a short time before. She looks around the room and steps out the door, wondering where Madelyn and Rolf have gotten to.

The young woman halts as she sees the two engaged in intimate conversation, seeing Madelyn speaking seriously, her hand reaching out to grasp Rolf's gently. The smile momentarily leaves Elsbeth's face as she regards the two, then as quickly she turns and runs back inside, hoping they didn't see her.

Once inside, she leans back against the wall, closing her eyes for a moment, feeling the ale and its effect on her head. "Calm yourself," she whispers. "You've guests to attend to..."


Mixing Business with Pleasure

By willymiller
who plays Kerim


As two men approach him, one saying he understands Kerim to be a merchant, Kerim's interest perks, and his mind speeds up a notch or two, as it always does when he foresees a bit of haggling.

"Indeed I am a merchant. I've some weapons and bolts of cloth, some spices and even a few pieces of armor. Perhaps the two of you would care to go to the stables with me and have a look at my wares?" So saying, he glances in the direction of the door, noticing a flush-faced Elspeth rushing inside. Now what could be bothering her? Ah, probably too much ale.

Turning back to his listeners, he lowers his voice in a confiding tone. "I'm charged with opening up a trade route along the coasts. Right now, I'm travelling with Warden Rolf and other companions, but who knows about the future? I envision trading posts all along the coast in the next few years...and, I'm going to need some level-headed men to go into business with me."

"I noted earlier, when Elspeth and your leader were discussing what happened last night, that mention was made of visiting Segovax. Perhaps you could suggest the proper way that I might approach Segovax with a discussion of trade?"

Kerim smiles broadly, his eyes crinkling. "But for now, come, let me display my fine wares. Perhaps you will both find a bargain for yourselves."



By Ian
who plays Peter


Turning after his comment, Peter realises that Yuri had left before he spoke. Shrugging his shoulders, he walks across to Smilo and the others. "Nice party", he says conversationally.

OOC Sorry I wasn't paying attention earlier...


Responses ....

By JohnB

The men with Kerim murmur their apologies for this evening, with a grin. "Ach, away with you. You would be trading while the Lith-Ri is giving the ale away like water? Plenty of time, there will be, tomorrow for that. And as you know Elsbeth, she is probably your best approach to Segovax - but we can talk more about trade tomorrow. Now lets all get another ale ...."

The Bard has listened intently to Edgars tale, and nods or shakes his head at the right time. As Edgar displays the arrow wound in his wing, The Bard mutters something about " ... the ignorance of some people ....". He is just about to go on with further questions, when Callum approaches and asks for a song. Shrugging his shoulders, but with a smile, he heads of to the centre of the room, commenting over his shoulder "Duty calls, maybe later ...?"

Before long you hear the strumming of a small harp and singing in Gaelic. Rather than the formal style of Segovax's hall - here the style is more relaxed and the bard sings a rousing song of past battles.



By jase
who plays Yuri



Upon entering outside, Yuri closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the gloriously fresh outside air. Oblivious to the happenings behind him, he goes for a slow walk (away from Rolf and Madelyn if he spots them), mug of ale in hand. His slow pace continues until he finds himself nearing the edge of town and the noise of the festivities (and bard) dwindling.

Sitting down on the dampening ground, Yuri sips from his ale as he stares out into the surrounding area, before quietly starting to sing a song of his own to himself and the outdoors.


Patience is a virtue

By willymiller
who plays Kerim


Grinning right back at the man who shows such enthusiasm for the free-flowing ale, Kerim laughs companionably. "Perhaps you are right: the ale is quite good." He gets himself another mug. Raising it to the two men, he toasts them, "To long life, to the dogheads' defeat, and to the future of trade along the Galinian coast!"

As the discussion breaks up, Kerim spots Peter, smiles at him, and meanders over, placing a friendly hand on the younger man's shoulder. "Evening, lad. You're looking spry, considering our recent all-nighter waiting up for our hunting compatriots. I'm for a bit of rest myself," Kerim says through a yawn.

Looking at Peter smoothly, Kerim says, conversationally, "Assuming we are successful in our expedition to reconnoiter and tame the Galinian coast, there will be advancements in trade activity within the next decade, Peter. A young man such as yourself, with a background in farm management, bookkeeping, and hard work, would be the kind of person I'd be both lucky and pleased to go into business with...just something to think about. A lot of the trade my father oversees in by sea, and he's doing all right in Angasia, but there's lots of setup work to be done here in Galinia."

"I certainly don't expect you to answer right away; I'd hope you'll think on my offer for a day or two, but here it is in a nutshell: my aim is to expand my family's merchant business. Within that goal is a lot of room to maneuver. My father will expect me to work out an arrangement here in Galinia whereby our familial business will grow and make a reasonable profit. He is not a greedy man. He will seek a relatively modest percentage of whatever gains I make here, but the rest are left to me."

"Please consider becoming my full partner in the Galinian branch of the family business. I'd be willing to split my share of the coastal trade profits 50/50 between us."

"No, no! Don't answer now; we've both had too much ale and too little sleep for that. We'll talk again in a day or two. I know you suspect the worst of the invasion in your father's home city-state, and if your fears prove valid, there's little to return to there. I offer you a venture in which your talents can be put to good use. I can even envision one of our most popular services: each trade post with its own herb shop..."


Hadn't thought of that ...

By Ian
who plays Peter


Peter is somewhat surprised at the way Kerim's conversation goes, "Hmm, that's certainly not something I had thought of, and I am a bit of a book-worm really. Still, I am not sure what I will do when this is all over, and I certainly will think about it." Then after a pause, "I am a bit tired too, but I think I will stay up for a while longer yet."


Good night, Peter

By willymiller
who plays Kerim


"Enjoy the chance to mingle, my friend. I have a feeling that we will soon find ourselves in the wilderness again. I'm going to step outside and take the night air. Perhaps we could dine together at breakfast tomorrow morning...assuming you don't have too many more ales before you retire..." Kerim winks, and makes his way outside.



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth leans against the wall, watching the action- the Bard beginning a song- Kerim speaking to Peter, then leaving- Yuri's absence. And the knowledge that Madelyn and Rolf are outside together. The confusion and emotion struggles in the young woman's breast as she wonders- worries- for the first time consciously, daring to ask: who was she more jealous of- the leader of the party- or Madelyn herself?

"Oh Goddess and more above," she prays in a whisper. "Do I be more longing for the man? Or the woman?"

Shocked at her own admission to herself, she lunges to the ale, refilling, almost willing herself to forget, to lose herself in the alcohol and party atmosphere.

"Grand Bard," she calls out in desperation as he finishes a song. "Have ye a song of love, one I might mayhap sing with ye?"


A diversion

By JohnB

Mid-way through the evening - just as Rolf and Madelyn are gazing into each others eyes, the bard starts singing, Yuri sings to the stars, while Elsbeth examines her soul, and Peter and Kerim are taking leave of each other .....

Someone starts shouting from down by the beach area and every one troops outside to see what the comotion is. In the lowering light it is just possible to see a ship anchored in the bay, and a boat pulling for the beach shore. Before long, but with much shouting and greeting, two people emerge out of the darkness. Unsurprisingly it is the ubiquitous Captain Flower and his cabin boy, Zona.

Flower greets many people as he arrives but bowing slightly to Edwy approaches Rolf - "Good evening Rolf, How are you? I have a message from Richard Briganda, he wants you to meet him on the old Tas Bardon Island road on the first day of the new month."

Message delivered and commotion over, most people move back inside, and now the buzz is all about the Earl's pronouncement. There are a number of consultations and porings over maps and the bottom line is that it will take three or four days to get there.

So you can enjoy one more day in the village before you need to move on. Which just goes to show that Kerim's predictions might just come true ...

OOC - You might want to check the calendar out -http://www.romain.dircon.co.uk/Hann/Calendar.htm - Galinian months are all 30 days long - but there are The Quarter days as well ....


Kerim Approaches Rolf

By willymiller
who plays Kerim


Going outside with all the others to see what the commotion down by the beach is all about, Kerim makes sure to smile and say a kind word to Captain Flower. Always stay on the good side of sea captains and caravan masters, whenever possible, as my father says.

After the Midnight Sky's captain conveys his message and is back on his way to the ship, being rowed by Zona, Zerim looks for an opportunity to speak to Rolf.

"Lord Rolf," the merchant begins, bowing respectfully. "I will take up but a moment of your time. I ask that you convey to Richard Briganda news that I am trying to negotiate trade talks with Segovax Treveri, and would follow Lord Richard's wishes in this, in order to facilitate smooth political relations between the two."

Clapping Rolf's shoulder warmly, Kerim confides, "I confess I was a bit worried, the other night. You've done more than a fine job of leading us, and I feared something untoward might have happened when you all ran off. Glad you are back safe and sound."


Saved by the bell

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf turns as shouts warn of the approaching newcomers. He turns back to Madelyn and gently sweeps some of the hair from her face gently. "Perhaps later?" He says, looking somewhat comforted by their talk. It was a rough, but good beginning.

Turning, rolf sees captain Flower approaching. With a wave, he calls out, "Hail captain Flower, how fare you?" Rolf nods and thanks the man for the message and quickly does the figuring in his head. But his knowledge of the area isn't strong enough. On his way to consult what maps the good captain and the village has to offer, Rolf is stopped by Kerim.

He snorts as the man calls him "Lord Rolf." He listens to the rest and nods appropriately. He hadn't taken much time to get to know Kerim on their travels but, "Kerim, we've been through far too much for such formalities and I am no lord. Please, it's Rolf. But rest assured, I shall speak to Lord Richard as to your efforts to improve trade not only here but throughout our travels."

Moving onwards, Rolf studies the maps and speaks to the village elders. They probably should leave at first light, better to arrive early than later, but another day wouldn't hurt and he had much to think upon before they hit the road again. Of course, that assumes the villagers don't mind hosting them for another day.

Seeking out Madelyn again, he seems more at ease this time. Smiling, he says, "Might I have the honor?" He offers an arm and nods towards the waiting feast.


Strangers to me!

By jase
who plays Yuri


Having been snapped out of his reverie by the shouting, Yuri starts off at a sprint towards the beach, while his mug of ale sits on the ground... waiting and forgotten.

Images of attacking dogheads race through his mind as he runs towards the shore, but as he draws near he realises the shouts are not yells of battle or cries for help, and slows down his pace considerably.

Arriving at the beach very short of breath, Yuri tries to explain that he isn't out of shape, but fails, merely managing to pant at whoever he tries to make his excuses to.

After a while, as people start talking to Captain Flower and Zona, Yuri finally manages a "captain who?"



By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn hesitates thinking about her response to Rolf, and is startled by shouts from the beach. Letting out a shallow sigh of relief, she feels a warm tingle down her spine as Rolf gently brushes aside some hair that had fallen onto her face. She follows Rolf down to the beach to see what the commotion is all about.

She watches as Rolf greets Flower and they head back up to the roundhouse. She stays on the beach for a little while pondering over the eves happenings, before wandering back up. She enters the roundhouse quietly and pouring herself a jug of ale, she finds a quiet place out of the way, and is happy to watch the goings on. Her eyes seeking out Elsbeth and Rolf several times.

When Rolf finds her, and offers his arm, she smiles and stands, taking his arm in hers.


Eat drink and be merry ...

By Skald
who plays Edgar


Following his talk with the Bard, Edgar is quite content to settle down with Mandrake and nibble titbits from the gnomes's plate, attempting occasionally to draw him into conversation, but happy to sit for the most part in companionable silence, looking up occasionally to eavesdrop on any conversation that catches his interest and to keep an eye on the comings and goings.

If Mandrake chooses to join the dash to the beach, Edgar will accompany him, perched on the gnome's shoulder, but if not, he is content to remain in the round house.


A visit cut short

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth runs out as curious as anyone else at the shouting, glad for the distraction. She is happy to see the Captain again but her joy is shortlived as she realizes that her visit home is about to be shortened.

She berates herself mentally. *You volunteered to travel for your people, not run home and hide!* she tells herself sternly. *You've gotten a visit home, which is more than these other fine friends have gotten!*

Shaking her head at her own selfishness, she sees and quickly looks away as Rolf and Madelyn return to the round house arm in arm. Elsbeth follows, unsteady on her feet from the ale, promising herself another mug when she gets back to the feast.


Drunken emotions

By Joe
who plays Herloch


The ale has a calming, quieting effect on Herloch. He becomes disconnected with all of the activity around him, simply drink his ale and leaning his chair against a wall. His face shows that he's thinking hard about something troublesome, but with each sip it becomes more and more relaxed.

When the commotion is heard from outside, he calmly walks out with ale in hand, but remains silent throughout Captain Flower's visit.

He starts to return to the roundhouse, but his attempts to walk a straight line aren't very good. He ends up bumping into someone and he swings around to find it is Elsbeth.

His face brightens. "Hey Elsbeth!" he says in a drunkenly polite way. He places his hand on her shoulder to help him keep his balance and it looks to Elsbeth that he's been drinking much more than the rest. His eyes look bloodshot and tired.

Once he's regained his balance, he takes his hand off of her and says, "So this is home, huh? Must have been a quiet childhood." He takes another long draw from his cup. "Not where I grew up! It was.... was.... um... what did you say your last name was? Tevi? Trevi? G'damm it... who does that cap'n boy think he is!" After another gulp of ale, he mimics Captain Flower's voice, with a snooty, uppity accent, "I have a message that you have to drop everything and go to Tas road!"

Yet again another drink of ale and Elsbeth now sees how he got this drunk. He turns to her, the emotions on his face switching from anger to calmness in an instant. He wraps his arm around her and says, "You're nice. Anyone ever tell you that?"

He pulls out a holy symbol that was previously hidden around his neck. It is a silvery chain on which hangs a miniature warhammer.

"See this? I got it when I became an alca - alco - follower of the big guy. Being a follower gives me much, but it would never let me settle down with a nice woman like you - living in a small village - raisin chilluns... Ack, damn, such is my life. Hey, where's the ale?"


Unwelcome companion

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elbeth's musings are interupted rudely as she almost falls from the heavy hand on her shoulder. She looks up in surprise as she finds it is Herloch, his words slurred, his breath reeking of ale.

"So this is home, huh? Must have been a quiet childhood," he states. Immediately, Elsbeth feels her temper starting to rise.

"Quiet?" she retorts as he continues rambling. "You be calling having half my family murdered..." Her voice trails off as the drunk man continues his meandering speech. "And th' name is Treveri..."

He wraps his arm around her and says, "You're nice. Anyone ever tell you that?" She puts her hands against his chest and begins to push, trying to get free, despite her inebriation.

"...Being a follower gives me much, but it would never let me settle down with a nice woman like you - living in a small village - raisin chilluns... Ack, damn, such is my life. Hey, where's the ale?"

Elsbeth's face blushes red with anger and embarrasment. "Children? With you? Settle down?" Her voice rises as she gives a great push, breaking his grip on her. She falls backwards, landing ungracefully in the dirt, her dress riding up above her knees, her hair wild. "You're crazy! And drunk!" she finally manages, her own head spinning from the ale as she winces from the pain of falling down.

