55a Still Hunting

By JohnB

The dog heads are really getting over the shock of the experience and are much more organised - they are starting to ignore the hounds and deliberately target you. You are each attacked by at least one doghead, and Smilo, Rolf, Callum and Jesse each find themselves attacked by two.

Mandrake takes a fearful blow and is nearly sent flying (5pt damage), Elsbeth takes a glancing blow (for 3 pts) and one gets Callum from behind (4pts damage. One, who is further away than the rest, pick up a stone and shies it at Edgar, shouting something in its strange guttural language. Edgar's surprise is complete when the stone strikes him for 1 point of damage - nearly knocking him from his perch.

Jesse manages another strike with his long sword but doesn’t fell his opponent, this time. Rethe and Flea are still battling away - but without any success.

And then, suddenly, the note of the huntsman's horn changes. It goes from the long low tones of the hunting call to a much quicker and higher note… and you start to hear the hounds baying - all this time they have been silent - but now, right on the edge of your senses, you can just hear them …


Damn ...

By JohnB

That will teach me to rush:

Elsbeth's Doghead expires in a stream of blood, cloven by her trusty scimitar - but another soon takes his place ....


With cat like tread ...

By Skald
who plays Edgar


The stone hits Edgar a glancing blow, all but knocking him from the branch upon which he hides, and eliciting a squawk of surprise and indignation.

Before the dogshead can launch another missile, the raven dives from his perch and flutters away into the night ...

However, once out of sight, Edgar wheels around, his wings locked as he glides stealthily back to the clearing, and alights silently on a new perch, there to renew his vigil.

OOC: Made the Move Silently Roll (18 on D100), but missed the Hide in Shadows (81 on D100) - just have to hope none of the dogsheads looks up ! ;-)


Rolf the unscathed

By Brad
who plays Rolf


OOC: Despite his being double timed, I suppose Rolf remains unscathed.

Rolf spins like a dervish, partially to avoid the clumsy blows of the dogheads, but more to build up momentum. He makes a quick fient towards the one, then connects solidly with the other in the chest (damage of 10 hp). Whooping, he's struck by the sound of the horn, the distant baying of the hounds. Not knowing if it was good tidings or ill, Rolf decides it doesn't matter. He ducks, pulls his blade free and twists away from another attack.



By JohnB

Yep - if I don't mention damage - there isn't any :)


Oh dear!

By Daren
who plays Mandrake


Mandrake recoils from the blow, blood welling up and soaking his clothes.

Swinging desperately, as much to keep the doghead at bay as cause harm, he looks about for a chance to escape.


Die, Doghead Scum

By malc
who plays Callum


Howling with indignation that a doghead should actually lay a blade on him, Callum spins around and smashes his sword into the shoulder of the doghead who hit him.

OOC:12 points of damage - 12! On 3d6 + 7! I demand a recount.



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth gasps in pain, the first time she's been wounded in combat. For a brief moment the pain wars with her bloodlust, fear almost replacing the driving force of the pack...


Her scream of pain turning to a scream of rage, she turns to the next doghead; blood on her face, her own blood on her clothes, the ichor of the other doghead dripping from her scimitar. She steps forward, hardly seeing her opponent, crying for its blood. She slashes with a nasty backhand, seeking to cleave the creature in two.

(Hit with an 18, 6 points of damage)



By Jim
who plays Smilo Hairfoot


Stabbing it repeatedly, Smilo shouts, "die you bastard."

OOC: That's three more for a total of 12.