39 Mistaton days

By JohnB

The day passes quietly in Mistaton, people are away earning their living, there are farmers in the fields and the older children are herding the geese and the few cattle the village posses. Some of the boys are away hunting seabird eggs and others are collecting the edible seaweeds and seafood from along the beach.

There are a few women and children among the huts and an occasional elder, too old to do useful work in the fields, can be found sitting out side doing light work.

During the evening the meal is similar to the previous day's and quite a few people come into the bar again, although not nearly as many as the previous evening.

The two halfling girls who had giggled at Smilo are their with their parents, all dressed up in their Sunday best and they glance frequently in Smilo's direction. A couple of halfling youths approach the girls a couple of times and are rebuffed, gently the first time - not so gently the second. As the youths take on more rice wine you see them looking towards Smilo and whispering to each other.

You see anumber of people, in western clothing, nodding and looking towards Madelyn, and you hear at least one snippet that goes along the lines of "Didn't even acknowledge him" or "looked straight through him" or "poor bloke, can't get his child ..."

And then its the end of the evening again and time for bed.


The next day is not so pleasant.

DagdaDay 23 Mai 593 1/4 Moon (waxing)

Temp Warm

Cloud 30 %

Weather Frequent Moderate Showers

There is a Moderate wind from the S

high tide is at 02:55 and 15:20

During the morning meal you hear a comotion and raised voices and people rushing out into the fields, rather than the steady trickle of the day before. As you join them you see the partially scattered remains of a cow, all that remains is the head and neck, the lower portion of the rear legs and part of the tail. There is very little blood except that which has trickled from the severed head.

As you see this you hear more noise from the village, as a tall man in a pale blue robe accompanied by a small retinue walk towards you. You recognise Flower, The captain of the Midnight Sky, his cabin boy and navigator. The fourth person, dressed in splint armour and carrying a large mace over his shoulder is a complete stranger to you.


Overhearing and wondering...

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth keeps to herself during both the day and night. She makes a point of spending some extra time in prayer... both for the group and for her own concerns about herself. She overhears the whispers about Madelyn and wonders if she should offer her own services. She realizes that these folk might not appreciate the Celt blessings she could bring.

"I'm starting to think I'm going as daft as the others," she whispers to herself more than once during the day. She's feeling very far from the comforts and joys of home- and wondering for the first time if she was suited for this trip...



By Jim
who plays Smilo Hairfoot


"Name's Smilo," said the hobbit with a bow and a sweep of his hat, "Smilo Hairfoot. Adventurer and entertainer. And who might you ladies be?"



By Ian
who plays Peter


Peter spends the day talking to the farmers as they work their fields and their paddies, he goes from one to the another until he has spoken to each of them.

During the evening he sits quietly in The Cup nursing a couple of glasses of rice wine and watching the by play.

Next morning he runs to the scene with the others but looks shocked by how little of the cow is left.



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


By morning, Elsbeth is obviously feeling no better about her situation or the others. She noticibly watches both Madelyn and Rolf, approaching neither. She remains by herself, singing softly, watching and being watched.

She follows the group to investigate the cow, her face paling at the spectacle. "That's no animal that did that," she remarks. "No animal would kill and leave so little blood. It was no wee creature. It was a man. Or something intelligent."

Somewhat shaken, she follows again back to the village, seeing the Captain and the others. She self-consciously brushes her hair free, straightening her dress as they approach.



By Daren
who plays Mandrake


Mandrake rises late, as usual, and whilst still in bed reaches for his pack and removes a scroll from it. He then spends a while memorising the spell he used the day before, a smile crossing his face now and then as he remembers the good time he had… and the effect that the slight exaggerations he made had added to.

"You got a couple of young admirers by the looks" of it he says to Smilo with a nudge and a wink before the halfling makes his introductions to the ladies. He notes also the increasing interest that the two locals are taking in the threat to their male egos, and decides to keep an eye out for Smilo's back without being too obvious.

First though, he has one errand to run for himself. Having gleaned a little bit of useful information during the previous day's introductions, he makes his way to the village tinker and attempts to commission a special item to be made.

He is in negotiations with the tinker when the commotion on the edge of the village draws both their attentions. Rushing up to join the others, he surveys the scene before them, which takes a moment to absorb.

Raising his voice to a shout, he says to the villagers "Please, could everyone move back away from the corpse so that we can check a few things."

Then he says to Elsbeth, "That wolf of yours, have you taught it any tricks yet, like following scent? If so it would be a good idea perhaps if you and it look for tracks."

"Peter, you have some medical training do you not? And you have prepared food certainly. Can you help me study the remains, we may be able to discern what caused the dismemberment, tool or tooth as it were.

"What concerns me you see is the lack of blood. I would expect a lot more if it was butchered here and carried away in pieces, as it would seem. On the other had, if it was butchered else where, then why remove these bits and then carry away the 'almost' whole remains?

"Why, also, was there no noise or disturbance to arouse the village. If Elsbeth and here pet can find nothing, then perhaps it was quiet and winged. Perhaps it swooped in before anything, man or beast, knew what was happening and carried the poor thing off, these remaining bits being severed during the bite. I do so hope not, but this could be one of those things thought of in stories and legends rather than real life."

As the people from the boat approach, Mandrake says "Greetings, we may have need of more hands, but first news perhaps. Have you any reports of anything like this from elsewhere?"


Big Monsters! Where?

By malc
who plays Callum


Callum sits chatting with his companions, asking Rolf how long they will be staying in Mistaton and making idle chat with the locals. He urges Smilo on with a few ribald remarks. He appears to have forgotten the reason for or to be completely ignoring Madelyn and Elsbeth's angst and tries to chat to them both quite cheerfully. He eventually retires to his bed.

The next morning, Callum follows the general excitement to the site of the (mostly) missing cow. Cattle are important, so this is a serious event. He listens to the various theories and then skirts around the area, using his hunting knowledge to try and work out how a predator would approach. If he doesn't find anything, he will return and examine the remains.

"This is what you're after being left with when a big beastie takes one bite, I'm thinking. Would it be that there's a dragon hereabouts?" The big man's eyes are shining dangerously. Then he notices the new arrivals and raises his arm to greet them - he didn't talk much with them on the ship, but not to acknowledge someone he knew would be rude and so dishonour both them and himself.


Slaying of the cow....

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf spends the day moving about the town, getting to know the people and finding places of semi-seclusion to air out his flute. The day passes peacefully for him. As the sun fades, he returns to the inn and rejoins the others. In response to Callum's question, Rolf responds, "I would say we spend another day and plan on leaving the next morning."

During breakfast, Rolf frowns a bit at Elsbeth's attentions but hides his annoyance well. He would have to speak to her as soon as he could arrange a few minutes alone with her. She'd been acting strangely for a couple of days now. But the commotion starts and Rolf's intentions are thrust into the background. He finds himself studying the remains, such as they are, of a slaughtered cow. He looks about the site, eyes intent for tracks and he studies the animal, trying to determine what manner of beast might slay it with so little blood.

Later on, Rolf spends some time talking to the townspeople, trying to determine what animals might be about the area that could cause the slaying of the herdbeast. During his efforts, he comes across the master of the Midnight Sky and his company. "Greetings, Captain."


In Need of Employment

By Joe
who plays Herloch


At first Herloch thought this town was going to be a bore. Just a bunch of peasants and farmers, and annoying, giggling halflings. But before he can think about moving on, the commotion brings him out to the field, to the strangely mutilated cow.

Quietly he listens to the conversation among the onlookers. Four seem particularly interested; a woman dressed in green, a gnome, a human warrior with a two-handed sword and tattoos on his biceps, an another who bears the Othila, a Norse symbol of the land. He sees the tattooed warrior wave over in his direction, but he must be waving to someone else. Herloch has never seen the man before.

He ignores the gnome's request to move back and approaches the investigators. His hands are nowhere near his mace. No need to start a fight this early in the morning.

It appears that three others approach as well. The gnome acknowledges the three others, "Greetings, we may have need of more hands, but first news perhaps. Have you any reports of anything like this from elsewhere?"


Good news… They are in need of more hands and Herloch is in need of more money.

"In need of an additional hand?" he says to the tattooed warrior, even though the gnome asked the question. "I would be glad to offer my services."

Looking down at the cow, he can't help but to chuckle. "Having a problem with your cow?"


Who would you be?

By malc
who plays Callum


"Having a problem with your cow?"

Callum looks the newcomer up and down. His eyes narrow as he takes in the armour and mace.

Then he grins. "I'm thinking that it'll need a bit more than a herb poultice to see it up and about again, right enough. Would you be knowing of a beast in these parts big enough to do this?" he asks.


Another big lad

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth sighs as the large man talks to Callum. Another brute lad. Great. She also notices that the newcomer ignores Mandrake. She grimaces as she realizes that he would likely have ignored her as well. Turning to Mandrake, she speaks.

"My Laddie isn't a hound, learning tricks to please one," she tells him. "Besides, it is not the wolf's way to follow purely by scent. But I'll be seeing if he's seen such as this and help as best I can. The Gods know, I've never been seeing such as this!"

She regards the newcomer again, rolling her eyes. Having trouble with your cow, indeed! "And just what skills is it you think you can be helping us with?" she asks archly.


The woman speaks

By Joe
who plays Herloch


What a truly barbaric man. Spiky hair and a big stripe right across his nose!

"No, I don't know what you're talking about. But, there's an easy way to find out. Why don't we just camp here tonight and wait for the beast to come back? It's bound to get hungry again, and it knows where to find food."

Herloch smiles sarcastically as he points a thumb towards the gnome. "Heck, we could even use this little guy here as bait."

Before any objections arise, he looks to the gnome and continues, "Com'on now, you don't actually think I would let you get eaten by some ravenous beast, do you?"

The woman finishes saying something to the gnome. "And just what skills is it you think you can be helping us with?" she asks archly.

She's got attitude. Too bad she's not Norse.

"All right. I guess it's time to introduce myself. Herloch Rominard, cleric of Thor. Now that guy," and he points to Norse man wearing the Othila. "I'm sure he knows what a priest of Thor can do. I've proven myself in battle many times. All I ask is some pay in return, say just enough to get by. I'm not really in it for the money, but a man's got to eat. You know, something more than just berries and leaves."


Hobbit Deux

By Jim
who plays Smilo Hairfoot


"Yull ave to pardon me, ladies," said Smilo, "I see me friends have spotted a bit of trouble. Probably have to save the town or somthin. An adventurer's life is a ard and dangerous one. Mayhap, when I'm don, I'll see you two ere tonight? Goodday."

He bows and tips his hat before joining the others.

"Herloch is it?" said Smilo. "We'll met man. We could use a healer." He extends his hand up to the newcomer.


Cows slain and companions gain

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf pulls himself away from the inspection of the cow for a few moments to make the acquaintance of his fellow Norseman. "Greeitngs Herlock, I am Rolf Leifson. We journey in the name of Richard, Earl Galinia. Let us put aside questions of the future for the moment and see what we can do for the good folk of this village."

Rolf continues studying the area, though his thoughts weigh heavily on the newcomer. Any who follows Thor garners some respect for any true Norseman. Even so, there's something about the man that makes Rolf's palm itch to feel the pommel of his blade. Pushing aside such thoughts, Rolfs attention returns fully to the task at hand.


Yep- another Norseman

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth laughs. "Some of us find berries and leaves much more to our liking, laddie," she tells Herloch. "Still, well met. I'm Elsbeth Marva Treveri, Druid to the Old Gods. I'm not knowing how much gold you're likely to see, but we've not gone hungry and we've watched each other's backs well enough." She unaccountably blushes at that comment.

She too looks twice at the large man, wondering what it is that seems wrong about him. She chides herself mentally, wondering who could possibly be more unusual than that Callum lad, after all!



By Ian
who plays Peter


"I think Callum is right, Mandrake. It looks like something awfully big bit it. Look, the bones are splintered and the flesh ripped at the break. Those aren't the marks of a hunting knife."

Peter nods to Flower and his crew as they approach, and then to Herloch as he introduces himself.


Updates ----

By JohnB

The two girls smile and simper at Smilo but dont talkback and their parents chase them out of the bar, scolding them all the while. The parents throw Smilo a filthy look as they leave ....

Mandrake asks people to move back from the area, and they do slightly - but not really far enough for a good investigation. But at Callum's mention of dragons, they do move back further, and you can hear worried mutterings "A dragon, maybe ..." "...second time..." "...even less..." as they crowd whisper among them selves.

As Rolf looks around there are some marks on the ground,but they are huge and like nothing he has ever seen before. Not only that,the edges have been spoiled buy the villagers feet as they crossed them.

As Flower and his crew approach, he acknowledges the party members and nods to some of the assembled villagers. he gazes silently at the remains for a while before saying, "I've seen nothing like this before, what did it? do you know?"


They know something

By Daren
who plays Mandrake


"My Laddie isn't a hound, learning tricks to please one," she tells him. "Besides, it is not the wolf's way to follow purely by scent. But I'll be seeing if he's seen such as this and help as best I can. The Gods know, I've never been seeing such as this!"

"I meant no offence and apologise if my choice of phrase caused any. Any light you or 'Laddie' can shed would be most helpful."

Before any objections arise, he looks to the gnome and continues, "Com'on now, you don't actually think I would let you get eaten by some ravenous beast, do you?"

Mandrake smiles broadly back, looking up at the large human, "I hardly think that the beast, whatever it is, would bother for such a small morsel. Besides, it has already shown a preference for big dumb animals… shouldn't be too hard to find." His smile turns to a grin.

But at Callum's mention of dragons, they do move back further, and you can hear worried mutterings "A dragon, maybe ..." "...second time..." "...even less..." as they crowd whisper among them selves.

"Humm…" Mandrake approaches Rolf as he tries to trace the outlines of the marks, not wishing to undermine the human's authority "Did you hear the villagers response? Perhaps a meeting with the elder would shed a little more light on the matter."


Whaz up?

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


After spending most of yesterday in contemplation, Madelyn returned in the evening, and nodding acknowledgement to her comrades disappeared to spend a restless night sleeping.

In the morning she woke saying little but acknowledging anyone who spoke to her as she broke her fast. She found her way again to a small glade on the outskirts of the village, and disappeared into her reverie. She knew the others were worried about her, well at least Rolf and Elsbeth seemed to be, but she didn’t know how, or what to explain to them. Knowing that she could not keep things from them for much longer, and that she had to face up to her truths, she made her way back to the village. She also knew that the villagers had been talking her, she had overheard them, and seen them pointing. How could she perform a baptism when she had gone against her Code of Honour? But they are right, she shouldn’t have ignored the request!

Realising quickly that something was amiss, as there was no one around the streets, and the usual sound of children playing was missing, she wandered aimlessly until she found where everyone’s attention had been drawn.

Excusing herself from the villagers, as she made her way through the gathering, she gasped at the sight in front of her, and made her way to Elsbeth’s side. Not able to take her eyes from the remains of the cow she asks, "What has happened?"


Tracking Roll plus

By Brad
who plays Rolf



Rolf looks at Mandrake, who interrupts his efforts to read the tracks of the beast. "What? Oh yes, I'll have a word with the elder once I'm done here." As he notices Madelyn's approach, he gives her a brief smile, still pondering what has changed her.


Meeting the Employers

By Joe
who plays Herloch


"Herloch is it?" said Smilo. "We'll met man. We could use a healer." He extends his hand up to the newcomer. Herloch looks down at the halfling and gives him a quick handshake. "Sorry, but if you need a healer you're gonna have to keep looking. It's really not my style."

The druid blushed. Yep, Herloch can tell she's impressed. Com'on, who wouldn’t be? "I'm Elsbeth Marva Treveri, Druid to the Old Gods," says the druid. Herloch simply folds his hands across his chest and nods a smile in reply to her.

He also nods towards Peter when the scrawny 5' 8", 116 lb. man introduces himself. Must be some kind of bookworm.

Rolf pulls himself away from the inspection of the cow for a few moments to make the acquaintance of his fellow Norseman. "Greetings Herloch, I am Rolf Leifson. We journey in the name of Richard, Earl Galinia. Let us put aside questions of the future for the moment and see what we can do for the good folk of this village."

Ah, this one strikes Herloch as a true warrior. A friendly smile comes to his face as he says, "Good to meet you Rolf Leifson. What's your latest findings about the beast that did this?"

Meanwhile, Mandrake's witty reply falls on deaf ears as Herloch's eye is caught by what looks to be the most beautiful woman (that he's ever seen, anyway) approaching to join the group. He's stunned. Strong, well built, very tan… she's got it all. A moment later he shakes off the enchantment and returns to listening to what Rolf has to say.



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth frowns slightly at the big man's nod. Granted, she hadn't offered her hand to shake, but just a nod! Obviously, she wasn't worth his time. Typical Norseman. The woman almost sighs with relief when Madelyn comes up to her to see what's going on.

"We're not sure what's happened," Elsbeth tells her in response to her question. "It might have been a large beastie or something else nasty. Not much blood, but not much of anything else either. Then these all came up."

Elsbeth turns to introduce the newcomers and immediately sees Herloch take notice of Madelyn. Without thinking, a frown comes to the druid's face as she sees the unabashed admiration in the large man's expression. Elsbeth bites her lip, looking at Madelyn, then back, wondering at her sudden dislike for the man...


There be dragons here!

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf nods at Herloch's friendly response, the responds to the question. "The tracks show something of size, but then it'd have to be to take a whole cow in it's gullet. And look here..." He moves over and indicates a particular set of prints, "Notice how much deeper it is, as though the beast pushed itself off into flight. I fear Callum has the right of it. I have found out all I can here, I'll speak with the town elder." Seeing that Madelyn has arrived, Rolf faces her. He makes quick introductions between her and the new Norseman. Unsure still of what is troubling the woman, Rolf decides to try a different tact. Tentatively, he asks, "Madelyn, I would appreciate your company."


What now?

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn looks up as Elsbeth gestures to the newcomers, noticing them for the first time. She nods acknowledgement and Herloch locks her gaze briefly, until a frown crosses her brow and she looks back at Elsbeth before returning her attention to the decapitated cow.

Without touching the carcass, she studies the wounds. As she stands Rolf is in front of her "Madelyn, I would appreciate your company". A flush crosses Madelyn’s face and she looks back to Elsbeth as if seeking an answer before turning back to Rolf. Gently nodding she steps around the cow to his side.


A moment alone, then the elder

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf manfully decides to overlook Madelyn's reaction. Letting the edges of his lips arch upwards in encouragement, he escorts her to go seek the village elder. Along the way, he speaks of little things, the village, what he'd seen about and so forth. His past never taught him the fine art of small talk, but he makes an effort to put her at ease.

Finding the elder, Rolf speaks of his findings, thinking it might be a dragon. Then he asks, "Has your village known trouble from huge, flying snake?"



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth nods at Madelyn, encouraging her to proceed with Rolf. She sighs, running a hand through her now unruly hair, closing her eyes a moment in thought. She looks up at the others, biting her lip.

"So," she begins gamely, "are you all thinking then that its a Wyrm? And what are such as us to do with a horrid beastie such as that?"



By David
who plays Kerim


Kerim asks around the village, wandering to himself what trade could be carried out in such a poor village.

He looks surprised to see Flower in the village and wondering who the fourth person is.

When he sees the villagers run out of the village he follows, loosening the ties on his weapon when he sees the remains of the cow.

On hearing the speculation that it is a dragon, he considers how tough such a creature would be, the ones that inhabit the seas are tough, how much worse if they could fly.