31 Paying the Toll

By JohnB

Rolf passes the money to Mandrake, before turning towards the back of the party and noticing the dead doghead. Mandrake passes the silver coins to the Leader of the Gila, who turns and raises the coins above his head in triumph as he displays them to his followers.

But his triumph turns to confusion as his people are more interested at the goings on and gathering at the back of the party, and the corpse of the newly dead doghead. There is quite a lot of hissing and pointing, before the leader can get enough control of his men to have the barrier dragged to one side.

At another command, most of the Gila dive into the water, taking the scroll which has been resealed in its case, and disappear back into the swamp. The leader and one of his men wait for you to move through onto the artificial island on the other side of the barrier.


Onward and Upward

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf looks at the money in Kerim's hand for a moment, then nods acceptance and takes the money. Moving forward, he watches as the Gila dive into the muddy water and the road block is moved aside. He waves for the others to form up. Taking a deep breath, he thanks the chief of the Gila and leads the others forward, feeling an itch between his shoulder blades.


Ready to leave this place

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth comforts Madelyn, watching the activity they have created among the strange creatures. She wonders what they are going to do with the dead Doghead and wonders what has happened to affect the Norsewoman so. Or why Elsbeth herself lied.

The young woman sees Rolf call for everyone to move on and gently helps Madelyn to her horse, knowing she does not have the strength to lift the heavier woman to her saddle. "Come now, we'll be getting to camp soon," she tells her gently. "A wee bit of a meal and distance will make you feel better, you'll see."

(Assuming that Madelyn mounts): Elsbeth hops on her own horse, calling to Laddy to follow. She stays close to the warrior woman to help her should she need any help.

She makes no move to touch or move the Doghead.



By JohnB

As you start to move through the barrier the Gila calls, "Isss ay lans far umanss tu Ssslep en ssseal fangsss. Gila gat sssstacks far fair? Tu Cupparsss?"

OOC: What you doing with the doghead's body?


We can't leave him here!

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


As Elsbeth helps Madelyn to her feet, she hesitates, before mounting Keldon. "Elsbeth, we can’t just leave him here", she says with a sob. She wipes the tears from her face with her sleeve, and looks around for Rolf. Seeing him at the barrier talking to the lizard man, she sighs deeply. "It is not correct for us to just leave him here!"



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth hesitates. "You be right," she agrees. Cringing slightly with the contact, she hefts the dead beast, getting him onto her skittish horse.

"I'm not thinking it deserves a burial, but we can take him off these beasties' road," she tells Madelyn. She mounts her horse, still watching the warrior woman to make sure she is alright.


The passenger

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn assists Elsbeth with the Dog Head, and once making sure that he is secure, and will not fall she then mounts Keldon.

Riding beside Elsbeth at the rear of the party she approaches the barricade, where Rolf is beckoning them through. She avoids eye contact with Rolf as they pass the barricade.


Waste of effort

By malc
who plays Callum


Callum snorts as he sees the doghead being lifted on to Madelyn's horse. "Ach, heave that thing into the swamp. If ye're wantin' a trophy, just take it's head, ye'll carry it a mite easier!"


Hobbit View from Below

By Jim
who plays Smilo Hairfoot


"Well, in my book, that's one silver saved," said the hobbit. "Ye can't reclaim somethin as evil as that."


Not funny

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth frowns at the barbarian. "I'm not wanting a trophy!" she declares icily. "And I'd be seeing no reason to foul these creatures water with such. I'm just taking it with me until we find a place to leave it."


Re: Business

By Daren
who plays Mandrake


As you start to move through the barrier the Gila calls, "Isss ay lans far umanss tu Ssslep en ssseal fangsss. Gila gat sssstacks far fair? Tu Cupparsss?"

Mandrake, having finished his own version of the writ hands it over "Some humans not recognise Dukes power. If so, try tell them of Rolf and his Earl, they may recognise him.

"As to room and board, I think the others want to be away. How far to the edge of your land?"