Exploring the road house

By JohnB

Rolf and Madelyn have made some progress with the pit, Peter is holding the mules and Elsbeth and Mandrake are close by.

Smilo is standing by the now covered well and Kerim advance cautiously into the building. The three walled areas look like the remains of private rooms, the centre one has been used for a fire, but not within the last week or two. Some one has carefully cleared all of the local rubbish into one big pile. There are roof beams and discarded household items, mixed up with soil, charcoal from various fires and the occasional rock from the building wall.

Callum head off into the scrub looking for game, after about 20 minutes careful scouting he suddenly sees a flash of movement through the bushes. Creeping forward Callum sees a fine 6 point stag.


Something for the ladies...

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf pauses in his efforts. He doffs his armor and spends a few minutes catching his breath and sipping from his waterskin. After the breather, he strips to the waist, hefts the spiked club once again and returns to the digging.



By Jim
who plays Smilo Hairfoot


Guessing the reaction to this, he says "But I think you want something stronger, correct?".

The hobbit whips his lips with the back of his hand. Then with a smile, "something stronger wouldn't hurt."



By David
who plays Kerim


Assuming there are no obvious tracks, Kerim will explore the round house, double checking there is no hidden danger, looking for somewhere to: Lay bedding, Build a fire the whole party can sit round and tie up the mules.

In his exploration he will explore the pile of rubbish (just poking really, to see if anything is loose, etc). He will also dig around the ashes of the old fire.


Something Stronger

By David
who plays Kerim


[Backtracking to Smilo's Post] "Next village we come to, we both deserve a drink"



By malc
who plays Callum


Making sure to stay downwind, and very, very slowly, Callum moves to a position where he can throw his spear and creeps as close as he dares before cocking his arm and launching his spear. As the spear leaves his grip, it twists and clatters loudly against a tree, the butt end whipping around and whacking Callum across the ear.

OOC:That was a one, in case you hadn't guessed!


Noisy and Nosey

By JohnB

Kerim's exploration shows the fire place in the centre 'room', and decides that the other 'rooms' are probably usable as sleeping space. Shame there is no roof. The fireplace holds the remains of a fire - but it is clearly old and contains nothing but old ashes and some pieces of charcoal. The pile contains all sorts of things, there is quite a lot of wood in it, mainly beams and timbers that probably came from the roof and there are a few rocks that probably came from the walls, as well. Half buried in the rubble and soil there is an old frying pan, a battered pewter mug and what looks like a crowbar. There are signs that there are other things buried, but they will need digging out before you can work out what they are.

Callum's clattering alerts the deer and it bounds away through the under-growth.



By Ian
who plays Peter


Peter stands holding the mules, trying to keep an eye out for Kerim and occasionally scanning the undergrowth for signs of Callum.


One more time...

By malc
who plays Callum


Callum curses and rubs his head smiling sheepishly before retrieving his spear. He moves into the cover of a bush and sits silently for a while to let the disturbance of the noise and the deer's flight die down, before setting off once more in search of some food.

OOC: Rolled another 9 for the hunting proficiency. John, do you give the damage bonus for strength for hurled missile weapons?



By JohnB

Yes - but you are gonna have to wit til next turn to see if you find anything sneaking and staying quiet takes time - and we have a lone character exploring the round house - oh Goody!


A break

By Sharon
who plays Madelyn


Madelyn glances over at Rolf as he removes his armour and shirt, and smiles, but says nothing ... she keeps digging.

15 minutes later Madelyn sits back on her heels sweat pouring from her. She rumages through her pack for her waterskin, and uses a piece of cloth to wipe her face and hands. She takes a drink from the waterskin before standing up and stretching.

She takes a slow wander over to the roundhouse to stretch her legs and peers into it's depths


Time For Camp

By David
who plays Kerim


Having finished his inspection, and hearing a strange noise (spear hitting tree type sound), Kerim will walk to the door of the roundhouse. Seeing nothing unusual, he smiles and waves at Peter, "Just finished poking around, looks safe enough, not being attacked yet, I'll be over in a minute - Need a frying pan?".

As he passes Madelyn, he says "Seems OK to me, only interesting thing is a pile of rubble with odd bits in it".

Walking over to Rolf, he asks, "I assume we're camping in the round house tonight - Yes?". While waiting for Rolf to make a decision where he would like the party to camp, he will start unloading, tethering, feeding and watering the mules in preparation to setting up the camp.


Kerims answer

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf pauses in his efforts, wiping his brow and leaning on the spiked club. He seems a bit winded, but answers easily. "Aye, we'll be the night here." He pauses, looking down at the rewards of his efforts, "And the rate I'm going, maybe more."

Glancing at the wrapped body of Aenis, Rolf hefts the club and returns to his labors.


Another go

By Daren
who plays Mandrake


Mandrake casts comprehend languages upon himself whilst the others are going about their businesses.

"Mi cazza Mandrake" pointing to himself "Mandrake". He then points at the doghead "Fe cazza".


Not interested...

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elbeth watched the proceedings as long as she could. She sighed, stretching. After all, she had no interest in helping dig and certainly couldn't go off to help that barbaric fellow hunt. Not that he was a bad fellow... just scary... and a bit odd...

*Not that you're not a wee bit odd yourself, Elsbeth Marva Treveri!* she thought sternly.

Not saying a word, the young woman walked to a secluded place off to the north of the ruin, not too far. Taking off her shoes she sat crosslegged on the ground, calling the wolf over to her. After all, they needed to get to know each other...