62 Trouble at t' mill

By JohnB

Every one is making their way back inside the roundhouse when there is a sudden commotion and Elsbeth finishes upon the floor, with Herloch standing over her. Everyone turns around in time to see her, red faced, on the floor shouting at him "You're crazy! And drunk!"

It takes Herloch a second or two to regain his balance, after Elsbeth's shove left him tottering slightly.

Suddenly he is swung around by the shoulder, to see himself facing the young man in armour that Elsbeth had seemed so friendly with earlier. Artur's arm is cocked back and he is just about to punch Herloch in the face, when a couple of the older men grab him and pull him away.

Then Edwy is there, taking in the situation at a glance. Nodding to Herloch, he says, "Take him away and dunk him in the water trough 'til he sobers up a bit," and then nodding at Artur, "And keep him out of the way for a bit. too." He looks around at another armoured man, and says, "Now help your sister up,"nodding down to Elsbeth, still on the floor," and take her home for the rest of the evening, before she tears him to pieces as well!"

Edwy turns away to re-enter the round house and Herloch feels half a dozen hands grab him and start pulling him further into the village …


The turbulent calm

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf enters the feasting hall with Madelyn. The expression on his face is fairly calm, although it shows signs of an uneasy alliance between responsibility and desire. Still, he manages to enjoy the welcome feast. He drinks sparingly of the ale and spends much of his time near Madelyn. He doesn't make any particular attempt at small talk, content to remain near by.

But his troubled thoughts are drawn off by a commotion outside. Before he can get clear of the hall, he hears Elsbeth's voice call out, "You're crazy! And drunk!" Rushing out, he sees Herloch amidst a crowd and hears the command to try and sober up the priest of Thor. As Edwy seems to have things well in hand, Rolf decides not to butt in until Edwy moves back towards the round house. "Master Edwy, please accept my apologies on behave of our companion Herloch. I know not why, but he is a troubled man."



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth, redfaced and limbs akimbo, looks up, breathing hard as her brother and Herloch are separated. She's not sure whether to curse or cry. Then, another armored man is before her. She bites her lip and looks up at her eldest brother.

"Tyrde?" she asks, closing her eyes momentarily in complete embarassment.


Eeee, ye were lucky...

By malc
who plays Callum


Callum is standing by the water's edge in a pleasant haze from the ale, watching the waves and marvelling at so much water in one place when he hears a commotion. Turning, he sees Elsbeth sprawled on the ground and her brother and Herloch being manhandled away in different directions. Surely, even with the strange ways of these people, they know better than to lay hands on a Druid - and for all that her fios, her knowledge of the old rituals, is sadly lacking, the lassie undeniably has the calling. He hurries over, frowning, to the embarrassed Elsbeth.

"Are you harmed, lass? What's been happening to you?"


Animal passions ...

By Skald
who plays Edgar


The commotion from outside does not fail to attract Edgar's attention, though he forebears to join the general rush, seeing how the raised voice provide more than enough explanation of what is happening.

Though to a bird such clumsy attempts at courtship would be met with the same shrill rebuff from the female, and would oft draw attack from other would be suitors, he is far enough removed from the ways of the rest of his species, and knowledgeable enough (even if understanding doesn't always follow) of the ways of the two-legs, that the exchange gives him a certain feeling of awkwardness ...

Though he keeps to himself that he feels sorriest for Herloch; lonely, driven and driven away.


2 coppers worth

By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri, having witnessed the events unfold, is not an exception to those having their say, though he has a slightly different view on things.

Having before witnessed Herloch's good (but poorly executed and loud) intentions, Yuri cannot help but smile as Herloch flings his arms around Elsbeth, thoughts of the berating he would recieve from her nullifying any shock of his actions.

Yuri starts grinning even more as Elsbeth starts on the cleric, as he assumed she would, but the grin quickly vanishes when she falls on her behind. Any moves to assist is nipped in the bud as Elsbeth's over-protective family come to her 'rescue'.

Seeing Herloch manhandled so, Yuri feels compelled to speak up in the mans defense. He certainly needed a good berating for his actions and an open palm accross the face, but this was too much.

"Heeeey, come now", Yuri starts, "the man has intended no harm here, there's no need to overreact so. There is definately no reason for anyone to try to smash him in the face or for a bunch of men to jump him and haul him off to half drown him.

"I realise you're worried about Elsbeth, but you've caused her more embarassment by causing such a fuss than Herloch could of alone... and by speaking out I've made matters worse if truth be told", Yuri punctuates his by shooting Elsbeth a guilty look.

"I've only known these people a day and a half, and it seems I know Elsbeth better than you, she can look after herself and fight her own fights, and certainly doesn't need, or deserve, to be sent off to her room!"

Having spoken up so in front of everybody Yuri suddenly feels rather foolish, and tries to conclude his outburst with a, "I just think you're all overreacting, that's all..."



By JohnB

Edwy hearing Yuri’s comments turns, and gesturing Rolf to attend him, heads back to the fray and stops just short of Yuri. Edwy responds, his eyes flashing. " Its lucky, he is, being a guest of the house, and not one of my own! He nods at Herloch, " One of mine, laying their hands on Elbeth Marva like that, would be meeting with Artur or Tyrde, over there, very soon. And I would’na be stopping them. Then, of course, The Druids would be wanting to have a little talk with him too, an I would'na be stopping that either. Now, your friend though, is a guest and vouchsafed by Richard Briganda, through young Rolf here, but even that does not give him the right to that kind of behaviour."

And then turning to Rolf, "You will explain that to your young friend here? indicating Yuri, and although it is phrased as a question the tone of Edwy’s voice implies it is an instruction.


Tyrde throws one quick glance at Yuri, as if measuring the threat, and decided to ignore him. Helping Elsbeth to her feet, he says quite gently, "Come on now girl. Lets be getting you home."


ooops... but...

By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri initially seems to wilt under Edwy's verbal barrage, but by the end of his reply Yuri's eyes flash with annoyance, to be quickly replaced by a smile.

"I'm not sure if you realise, but I'm not simple, I quite understand you", he replies, keeping his voice level and his smile constant.

"However, I'm very surprised that none of you have ever seen a drunk make a pass or a poor attempt at a hug, and if that's the kind of reaction one gets around here, I'm surprised any of you were ever born.

"One thing does bother me", Yuri continues, the creasing of his eyebrows highlighting his dilemna, "as bothered as you are with Elsbeth's honour and well being, you haven't bothered to do this..."

At this point Yuri turns his attention to Elsbeth and asks her in all ernest, "how are you Elsbeth? Are you hurt? Would you like to go home?" A mischevious grin flashes accross Yuri's face as he asks, "would you like to help dunk the drunk?"



By JohnB

Before Yuri can grasp what is happening, Edwy’s hand swings out and catches Yuri a slap around the ear, hard enough to stagger him. This time there is real anger in his face. "Do NOT try to tell me how to run my house, and do not interfere in things that you do not understand." Then turning to Rolf, "If he keeps going I will have to teach him a harder lesson, I will not have my hospitality abused in this way."


The center of it all

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth takes a deep breath to steady her spinning head and dares to step between Edwy and Yuri. "Please! Enough has been done here. Rolf is bein' right, some of my friends know not our ways, know not how things be with us. But they do care about me."

The woman looks at Yuri. "No, I'll not be dunkin' him and I'm not bein' sent to my room, though maybe I should," she admits ruefully. "This is family- all of them here. 'Tis not a village, its being family and bless them all they care about me, even when I've had a wee bit too much in m' cups."

Elsbeth turns now to Callum, surprised at his concern. "He harmed me not, Callum. I'll be fine, just a bit embarrassed, I'm thinking! He canna help what he is, even more than I can help bein' m'self."

Finally, she turns back to her elder Edwy, bowing her head. "I apologize for bein' the cause o' this. I'm sorry for bringing this into our house."


Herloch - Out of Control!

By Joe
who plays Herloch


Elsbeth pushes Herloch away and ends up falling in the dirt. The next thing he knows he's being hauled off somewhere.

Herloch starts to struggle against his abductors, contorting his body, using his legs, and trying to get his hands free. His voice gets loud as he says, "Hey hey! By Thor, what's going on? I'm not drunk! Get your damn hands off of me! I didn't do nothing!"

They do not let him go and he does not break out of their grip. This makes him angrier. "Come on! Let me go! Afraid to fight me one-on-one? Feel the need to gang up in order to take me? Let me go! I am a priest of Thor! Fight me honorably, you cowards!"


the receiving end of it all

By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri, having taken the blow from Edwy and just stared back at the man in return, smiles at Elsbeth as she stands up to her cousin. Not knowing Elsbeth well enough to know whether she normally does or does not stand up to her family, Yuri is none the less greatful she does so this time.

Trying his best to ignore the ringing in his ear, Yuri continues his smile as he quietly replies to Elsbeth, "I didn't think you would."



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


OOC: Elsbeth is going to physically react to Herloch's latest actions. I'm just waiting to see what Edwy says.

BTW- fantastic roleplaying one and all!


Quick re-write

By Brad
who plays Rolf


OOC: Well darn, almost had Rolf's response written up, got side tracked and now it's all a waste.

Rolf places himself between Yuri and Edwy. He doesn't know either very well and while he's hopeful that Elsbeth's words will smooth things over, there's no reason not to be cautious. Turning first to Edwy, he bows slightly, "Again, I must apologize for the behavior of my companions. We've all grown fond of Elsbeth and I'm sure that in part, it was his concern for her that prompted Yuri's hasty words. Merely speak the word and we will depart within the hour." Rolf waits a few moments upon Edwy's pleasure.

Then, he turns to Yuri, "I share your concern for Elsbeth and would not see her come to harm, but if you intend to travel further with us, I would ask you not insult those gracious enough to open up their village to us. Besides, Herloch is a staunch one, he can well survive a bath."

Glancing at all who stand nearby, he speaks up again, "If you'll excuse me, I'd best be seeing to Herloch." Rolf takes a last glance at Edwy and Yuri, gauging them. And lastly, he glances at Elsbeth. Moving close to her, he says quietly, "My apologies to you as well. Had I not allowed Herloch to join with us...." He leaves it hanging, moving off after the band dragging Herloch off to the side.


Wet ....

By JohnB

Edwy responds immediately to Herloch’s blustering, "Artur – Tyrde, you will NOT do him the honour of accepting that challenge!" he calls sharply, and those watching can see that resignation, at an order that must be obeyed, that settles over the pair of them.

"And Elsbeth, I would like you to go back to your house for the rest of the evening, should he do anything like that again, inadvertently, I will have to give him to the druid’s courts, and you don’t want that to happen. Now go, and let me try and keep him alive." He says quietly, so that only she, Rolf and Yuri can hear.

And then more loudly to Yuri, "And you, young man, should take your leader’s advice and should too, perhaps, retire for the evening."

As this is happening, Herloch get dumped unceremoniously into the freezing cold water trough and it is not just his head, but his whole body, which is immersed in the cold liquid. He is hauled up, fairly quickly, coughing and spluttering before being dunked again, and then again for a third time. The ducking is rough, but not brutal, and he is finally stood back on his feet dripping wet next to the water trough. There are fewer hands on him now, although two pairs still hold him lightly, as everyone waits for his reaction.



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth bites her lip, blushing a deep red in embarassment again, but nods carefully to her elder. She mouths an apology to Rolf, then gives a brief smile to Callum.

Finally, the young woman looks to her brothers. "I'd best be going home. Will one of you escort me?" she asks softly. Her eyes are downcast and she makes no other move.


Let this be finished.

By Joe
who plays Herloch


Herloch endures the cold bath. Finally, when it's all over, they stand him up with one on either side, holding his arms.

He shivers uncontrollably, his clothes soaked with icy cold water. He looks somewhat sobered up by the ordeal and keeps silent, focusing on calming his muscles that are trembling from the cold. After a moment, a look of peace crosses over him and his shaking stops.

He looks to the left and right, to the ones still holding him. Trying to maintain a calm, relaxed tone he says, "Please remove your hands from me. Now."


OK ....

By JohnB

At a nod from Edwy the restraining hands are released, and Herloch is allowed to stand 'unaided', although he gets the sense that others are ready to grab him should they need to.

Artur and Tyrde move along side Elsbeth and start ushering her quietly and gently away, and everyone else stands watching with bated breath ....


Merchant to the rescue

By willymiller
who plays Kerim


Seeing the tense situation unfolding, Kerim watches, his anger growing. As the inebriated priest of Thor is herded off toward the watering trough, however, Kerim makes haste to where his mules are stabled, retrieving a heavy blanket from the supplies.

Returning in time to see Herloch being lifted from the trough and turned loose, Kerim moves up and offers the heavy woolen blanket to the tall priest.

"You'll be wanting this, I suspect. That is -- if your handlers will allow such a sensible action following their debacle." The sarcasm in Kerim's voice is dripping. He knows what it's like to be handled wrongfully after one's intentions are ... misunderstood.


Very embarrassed

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth walks between her two brothers, feeling smaller than small, practically in tears. Her homecoming seems somehow spoiled by her actions and Herloch's.

"I'm so sorry," she tells them softly. "I'd started the ale from bein' happy, then from bein' sad, then he touched me and... oh the Gods know I don't blame him. How's he to know? He's not like us. None of them are, maybe but for Callum." She sighs. "Your little sister is still a child, I'm thinking. A disgrace to the family Treveri..."


Silence is golden...

By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri says nothing at first, deciding that tho he disagrees with most the people around him, it would be best to shutup in this instance, even when Rolf describes his actions as rude and hasty and apologises for his 'behaviour'. The burning sensation from his swelling ear doesn't help his temper much either, but he does manage to keep it in check.

However (read as: "unfortunately"), this is all short lived, and Yuri's short silence is broken when he hears Elsbeth being so harsh on, and blaming herself, his anger getting the better of his reasoning.

"I don't need you apologising for my actions!", he half shouts at Rolf, trying to keep his voice down, not really wanting to attract everyones attentions, and especially not wanting to be overheard by Elsbeth, tho that may be hoping for too much. "My words were not ill thought out or hasty, unfortunately it seems I am one of the few who hasn't drunk too much and has thought out his actions." Yuri glances at Kerim at this point, as he considers him one of the exceptions.

"There Elsbeth goes, having done nothing wrong except attract Herloch's attentions, being sent off to her room like a naughty child, on the edge of tears and blaming herself and calling herself a 'disgrace', a disgrace of all things! And what's Herloch done? Drunk too much and made the most pathetic pass I've ever seen, and he's nigh on hung, drawn and quartered for his efforts.

"The injustice done here is from your treatment", Yuri continues, clearly not thinking out his words any more, using the term 'your' to encompass Rolf, Elsbeth's family and others, "of these two people. You don't care about Elsbeth, you just care about keeping up appearances. You're all so caught up in the 'honour of it all' you've forgotten about the person who's honour your supposedly protecting, not to mention the fact it wasn't necessary in the first place!"

Yuri's voice lowers considerably at this point, "and as for travelling further with you, well maybe you're right, perhaps I shouldn't. After all, you seem to want 'yes' men and not anyone who would stand up for what they believe in."

"Oh, and don't worry about me being rude to our 'gracious hosts', I'm booking out."



By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


The young woman only hears a little but turns, her tears on her face. "Yuri?" she asks, holding her brothers at bay. "You've lost so much. Don't leave because of me?" she begs, overwhelmed by both friends and family warring against what she knows...

"Please? Wait 'till I'm me again..."


Fickle male!

By jase
who plays Yuri


Yuri manages a smile, Elsbeth's compassion breaking through whatever anger he had.

"I'd like to see that", he replies.

"I won't leave, but I will sleep outside tonight. I like it, always have, and I think I've caused more raucous than Herloch has, so I won't impose."


Too Far ...

By JohnB

Artur and Tyrde see the darkening look on Edwy's face and hustle Elsbeth away, whether she likes it or not. They know it is not wise to challenge the honour or integrety of a leader, and it is certainly not wise to do that when the leader is a battle scarred veteran like Edwy.

Edwy speaks quietly and firmly, but loud enough that everyone can hear. "No, you won't! Young man, you have gone too far. Your words have insulted me and my family and that cannot left. I have been lenient so far, but no longer. Tomorrow, you will meet me to settle your insults. I would do it now, but because I believe your actions are through ignorance rather than anything else, I will give you the opportunity to reconsider them. After the first meal we will meet on the entrance green, where you can either apologise or back your words with my blood. But for now you can consider." Turning to the audience generally he nods towards a couple of men, "Take him to the to the small barn and keep him there, I will see him in the morning."

Yuri is grabbed and led away by two men, should he struggle - more will come to help remove him.

Edwy then stand tall and proud scanning the group surrounding him, as if looking for any other challenge to his authority.


Kerim is setting off to get a blanket from the stables while this is happening (it does after all take some time to move around. If he completes his actions, and Herloch is still there :) - the guards will allow him to pass the blanket over, and he will hear muted laughter at his attempted sarcasm.


watching ...

By Ian
who plays Peter


Peter stands at the back of the crowd,watching the goings on. He was initially pleased to see Flower and Zona and was making his way forward to chat to them, but was stopped by Flower's announcement.

Since then, he has watched the scene unfold with mounting concern. At Edwy's pronouncement he whispers to himself, "I hope Yuri knows what he's doing", before glancing back to see how Herloch reacts.



By jase
who plays Yuri


"More violence to win an argument? An interesting way you have of proving your point."

Yuri allows himself to be led away, offering no resistance at all.

"The barn will do nicely, though I would prefer to sleep under the stars", Yuri continues as he is led away. "I trust my unmolested belongings will be brought to me."



By Brad
who plays Rolf


Moving off, Rolf's attention is again captured by the ill mannered druid. His shouted, angry words of blame and his own claims to moral superiority. Rolf's eyes narrow dangerously, but he keeps his voice flat and even. "You will be silent." But the druid merely continues to spout out his nonsense, although Elsbeth's plea carries some weight with him. Looking at the druid for a long moment, Rolf slowly turns around, making it obvious that he will give Yuri no more of his attention.

And then Rolf hears the pronouncement of Edwy, throwing his thoughts into turmoil. Edwy is the leader of these people and has the right to dispense justice. And it's not as if Yuri is a true companion, merely one from a chance meeting on the road. Where does justice lie? Where lies his duty given him by Sir Richard? After Yuri is led off, Rolf speaks up.

"Master Edwy," he says respectfully, "I would not further abuse your welcome. My companions and I will seek our rest out in the swamps. But I would ask that we be allowed to stand witness to the actions tomorrow. While the druid is a chance companion of the road who we sought to aid, I still feel some responsibility for him."


No Need

By JohnB

Edwy nods at Rolf's words, and then speaks quietly "That won't be necessary. You and your companions are welcome to stay. That one," nodding towards Yuri's back, "won't cause any more harm tonight, and that one, nodding towards Herloch, seems to have sobered up now. These things happen when every one is in their cups but, so long as they are sorted quickly, no harm comes of it. You might like to try and talk Yuri into an apology in the morning though, I don't want to give him a beating, but I will have to - if he doesn't come to his senses."


Time for Sleep

By Joe
who plays Herloch


Herloch walks away slowly from his captors, pondering what to do about his wet clothes. He's tired, very tired and is too far away and drunk to notice the goings on with Yuri and Edwy. He starts to walk off in search of place to relieve himself and pass out when Kerim appears with a heavy blanket.

"Thank you, my friend. I will not forget this," and he accepts the offering.

He walks off and finds a tree with low limbs away from the huts. After he's found privacy, he strips down naked and hangs his clothes to dry on the branches. Finally, he wraps himself in the warm blanket and passes out comfortably against the tree.

OOC: Willymiller, let me know if you really want the blanket back! LOL


Away to home

By lechrist
who plays Elsbeth


Elsbeth turns from her friends, holding to Artur's arm with both hands, her head low. "Some homecoming," she states miserably. She glances at Tyrde, then hiccups. "It really is so good to be seeing you both," she adds. "Just don't tell Mama, please?"

She goes with them without a glance back.


Beddie bye time for Rolf

By Brad
who plays Rolf


Rolf nods in response to Edwy's words. "I will speak to Yuri in the morning. Perhaps Elsbeth as well, if you'll allow it. He seems to respond well to her. I would also seek my bed in the hopes of a cooler head tomorrow. If I might have your leave...."


With friends like these ...

By Skald
who plays Edgar


Edgar remains within the roundhouse, his nibbling now just a formality, his belly full, but something to do whilst events unfold outside.

Wisely he decides against adding his own opinions to the mix ... though after ensuring he cannot be overheard, he cannot help himself venture a quiet thought to Mandrake, even if the gnome is by now too deep in his cups to appreciate the wry comment ...

"It is lucky that these people are Elsbeth's family and friends ... I'd hate to think of the reception we would have got were we with complete strangers !"


Always violence

By Daren
who plays Mandrake


As Mandrake watches the situation evolve, his mood which had been a little improved by Edgar’s words earlier, darkens once again.

Speaking mainly to himself, but loud enough for the bird to hear "Always it comes down to fighting in the end. We are not that far removed from the animals.

"No, that it not so, they are better than we, for they fight when they have to and know no other way in such situations."

Then, when things seem to calm a little and it is time to leave, he is more than ready to retire to a quiet place, if not to sleep, then at least to contemplate.



By malc
who plays Callum


Callum watches the behaviour of his companions with shame and disbelief - Herloch was obviously drunk, so his actions should have earned him a flogging rather than a hanging, but Yuri. The man's lucky that one of Edwy's warband didn't cut his throat there and then for his behaviour.

He walks up to Edwy and stops before him. "Lord Edwy, I was shamed by the behaviour of those I travel with. Their ways are strange but treating your hospitality like that should be punished. In my village, there would have been a flogging and a hanging this night."
